I have been pondering long today about 'peace'. Our Pastor preached an amazing sermon yesterday on 'peace', and it has me thinking?
I don't think that I am someone who worries outwardly. I tend to keep in tucked neatly away. But recently, I have been feeling fear grip my heart, and cause me to lose sleep. There are three areas that I can identify that are sources of my fear.
Fear of the unknown: I look at the condition of America and our world, and shutter. I think about what my children have to face...what Duane and I have to face. Yeeks!!!
I think about how in less years than I can even imagine, Duane and I will be facing the loss of loved ones, and I can't imagine life without them!
I think of all the things that 'could' happen to my husband and children.
Fear of abandonment: I am learning that this is the one area that drives me to the pit of hopelessness faster than anything! I feel so driven to make sure EVERYONE in my life, is well pleased with me, then they will always 'like' me, and never abandon me. This is an area that is my greatest downfall, because I become consumed with what 'they' think of me, and far less of what God thinks of me. I hear things being said that are not TRUTH, and I feel despair takes root in my heart.
Fear of failure: What if my kids turn out bad? What if I could have been a better wife to Duane? What if I don't keep my house clean enough? What if Lynne could have found a better small group leader? What if I get to the end of my life and find out that I wasn't as good of a friend as I thought I had been? What if my kids go through all 12 years of school and can't figure their fractions or forget their multiplication?? What if I wasn't patient enough...thin enough....disciplined enough???
I know that this is the enemy's way of getting the best of Sheila!
I have spent all my 'driving time' today, praying that God will give me victory over these fears! He has so much more for me than this!
I read again this morning, and decided that I need to post this in a prominent place..."Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you, not as the world gives do I give to you. LET NOT YOUR HEART BE TROUBLED, NEITHER LET IT BE AFRAID." (John 14:27)
Forgive me for spilling my heart out today, but this is where I am...in all my human-ess, asking God to calm the fears, and fill me with His peace.
Monday, July 30, 2007
Pondering Peace....?
Posted by SheilaDy at Monday, July 30, 2007 1 comments
Saturday, July 28, 2007
Heaven for a day!
I experienced a piece of heaven yesterday!
As I mentioned previously, Duane treated me to a "Spa Day" for our anniversary. I had never been to one, but now I am hooked for life!
I started out by getting an exfoliating body scrub...I am not kidding, it was out of this world!!! Then, for nearly two hours, I received the best massage ever! If you are looking for a good massage therapist, I know where to send you! She did several different massage techniques...one being, deep tissue. Yes, I am very sore today, but it is worth it! She had me so relaxed that I was almost asleep.
After I peeled myself up from the massage room, I was treated to a delicious lunch that Duane had chosen for me!
Turkey & Cranberry Sandwich
Creamy Pasta Salad
Cantaloupe Wedge
Chocolate Chip Cookie
I sat in this quiet little room with soft piano music in the background, and a beautiful view of the flower garden.
Then I was treated to a manicure and a pedicure...I have to say that the pedicure was my favorite! The gal doing it was friendly and we had a nice visit about life. My fingernails have a lovely French manicure, and my toenails are sporting a rose colored polish from their "Diamond Series"! She said it was "diamonds for my toes"...ooh la la!!
After I left Panache, Duane met me for dinner at Red Lobster and then it was home for a late night swim in the pool.
What a delightful day!!
Now I have laundry to wash, dry and fold, a house to clean, grocery shopping to do....back to reality!
Thank God for days that are relaxing and a husband that gives so abundantly from his heart!
God is good!
Posted by SheilaDy at Saturday, July 28, 2007 2 comments
Friday, July 27, 2007
Day at the Spa!
One of the gifts that Duane gave me for our anniversary, is a trip to Panache Day Spa! I will be treated to a massage, a facial, a manicure and a pedicure.
After that Duane is taking me out on the town.
I am off to enjoy my day of leisure!
Posted by SheilaDy at Friday, July 27, 2007 2 comments
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
16 Amazing Years!
July 25th, 1991, I became Mrs. Sheila Taylor.
I was so in love and after dating Duane for three years, I had no doubts about being married to him. He was my High School Sweetheart, and he had accepted me for who I was and all that came with it.
After 16 years of marriage, he still loves me for who I am, and all that comes with it. He is an amazing Husband and Friend!!
We married so young and basically grew up together. Along the way, we have walked some hard roads, and had to learn some really difficult lessons, but one thing is for sure...I love and am loved, abundantly!
In 1993, a precious little girl, Ashley Dyan, came into our lives. She filled our home and hearts with so much joy! She stole her Daddy's heart, and has had him wrapped around her finger since the first time he held her. She has grown up into a lovely teen-age girl who is sweet, kind, artistic and very responsible. This girl loves order! I never have to tell her to clean her room!Then three years and six days later, after putting his Mommy through a lot of distress for 13 weeks, Alexander Robert, made his appearance-hair and all!! He was a "mommy's boy" from the moment he was placed in my arms, but after he got old enough to realize that Daddy likes to do more of the stuff that he enjoys...he and his Dad became best buds! Alex is so tender and tough all at the same time. He cares deeply for others, and helping comes so natural for him.
Not sure if our family was complete, we decided to try for another baby. In 2000, Nichole Rebecca graced our home with her presence. She brought sunshine into every nook and cranny of our home and hearts. She was a Daddy's girl too, but really she had the whole family wrapped around her finger...especially her sister and brother! Nikki is joyful and happy almost all the time! She rules the roost, and likes to lead(interpretation: she is bossy!). I carry hope that God will use those traits in her to lead others to Him. Her frilly, bouncy spirit makes our lives complete!
We have moved five times in our marriage, and are now hopefully grounded in a home that our children can grow in.
After Duane's car accident in October 2004, I realized that he and I were given another chance at life together. There where dozens of reasons why he should not have survived that day, but God still had a plan for Duane, and since I am his life-long companion, that meant that I too had another chance to show him a life-time of love.
Together, Duane and I have seen many of our hopes and dreams become realities, and we have watched some of them fall to pieces. Has it been an easy journey...are you kidding!!! But we have been together, and together is a beautiful place to be.
Happy Anniversary, Babe! I love you and can't imagine my life without you.
God has blessed us with more than we deserve, and I want to spend the rest of our life following Him and and loving each other.
Posted by SheilaDy at Tuesday, July 24, 2007 1 comments
Reflecting on the past can be a hoot!
I was going through some old pictures today, and found this one of Deanna and I. I sat on the floor in the closet, laughing my head off!
I remember looking at old pictures of my mom, and thinking "what was she thinking??"
Well, when I saw this picture, I thought, "what was I thinking?" Those HUGE white sunglasses were so cool then!
Wow, to be so thin again!
Posted by SheilaDy at Tuesday, July 24, 2007 2 comments
Monday, July 23, 2007
Cousins...the oldest & the youngest
Last night, Ashley spent some quality time bonding with her new cousin, Brittney Loren.
In our Taylor Family, Ashley is the oldest cousin and Brittney is the youngest!
In my opinion, both girls are adorable!
Posted by SheilaDy at Monday, July 23, 2007 2 comments
Day out with Nikki
This morning Nikki and I took Alex to meet the bus for summer camp. We had to have him there at 8:15, so our day started quite early. Alex will be gone all week, so our house is going to be quiet!
He was very excited and I know that he will have a blast, but my lip hurts from biting back tears as he climbed on the bus, for a week without his mom! Yeek!
After we left the church, we stopped for Chai Tea Latte's and then we headed to Boise Towne Square, to shop for a flower girl dress. Nikki's Grandma Colleen is getting married and has asked her to be her flower girl. Nikki has been floating on cloud 9 ever since Colleen asked her. (For a little background: Colleen is my dad's second ex-wife, and she is my ex-step-mom...I know it is complicated! Colleen has stayed close to us, and shows her love easily for Aaron and I's families. She is a sweet person, and the our children love her.)
Now, back to dress shopping...We searched the mall and found nothing. All the stores have their Back-to-School clothes out, and no fancy summer dresses. So, off we went to David's Bridal Store. We walked through the front door, and Nik said, "I feel like I am in heaven!" She is all flowers and frills, and loves to dress up!
After, trying on 7 dresses, we found the perfect dress! As she was posing in front of the mirror, I had a thought that, before I know it, I am going to be in a bridal store watching her try on HER wedding dress...!
Grandma Colleen asked her of she wanted to wear a tiara(princess crown) or flowers in her hair, and she chose a tiara.
It was quite a day! Spending time with all three of the kids is fun, but being one on one with them is always full of joy and the making of sweet memories!
Ashley is doing great! Thank you for your prayers and love for her.
Posted by SheilaDy at Monday, July 23, 2007 4 comments
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Happy 6th Anniversary to Steven and Deanna Debooy!!
I have been blessed with truly, wonderful friends in my life, and one of those is Deanna. She and I became friends at the age of 8, and although we have never lived near each other for very long, we have kept our precious friendship.
It was 1983, when our family moved from Illinois to Idaho, and since then Deanna and I have had a "long-distance friendship", with visits every few years.
Six years ago she married Steven, and Duane and I became fast friends of his as well. Who wouldn't like a guy who thinks your best friend is wonderful...he makes a mean cuppa(tea) as well!
God has blessed Steven and Dee with a beautiful girl, Chloe, and another baby that will make his appearance very soon...hopefully!!
They are currently living in Australia, and we are thrilled that they will become Idaho residents this Fall!!! I have dreamed for so long that Dee and I would live near one another, and I have to admit that I didn't think it would ever happen. God is good...all the time!
May God bless both of you with many happy years together and love that mirrors Christ's.
Posted by SheilaDy at Saturday, July 21, 2007 1 comments
Friday, July 20, 2007
Water...glorious water!!
It is so hot!! (I paid our power bill today, and it was scarry how much I had to pay for the month of July!) The kids and I are seeking some relief today in the pool.
Ashley is feeling so good. As long as we give her the pain meds every 4 hours, she does well.
Pray for all the men and women that have to work out in this heat. Duane comes home each night so wiped out!
But as grandma used to say, "soak it up, winter is coming!"
Posted by SheilaDy at Friday, July 20, 2007 0 comments
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Ashley is doing great today and enjoying her orange sherbet, orange jello, chicken broth, and malt-o-meal. I was eating a brownie last night, and she was looking at it longingly. Poor thing!
She is feeling good enough to be artistic, and I thought I would share a couple of her masterpieces. God has given her a gift, and I love it when she uses it.
Ashley is blessed with so many people who love her, and we thank God for all of you. Her Grandma Margaret and the Hank's brought some thoughtful gifts to keep Ashley entertained during her recovery.
Posted by SheilaDy at Thursday, July 19, 2007 1 comments
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
She made it through surgery!!
Ashley made it through her "Adenoidectomy & Tonsillectomy" surgery today!! She made it through with a three-person support team: Dad, Mom and Grandma Sue. As long as we kept the encouraging words coming and the washcloth cold for her forehead, she was great!
We are so grateful to God for helping her. I know that these surgeries are very routine, but anytime my children have to go under anesthesia, my nerves are shot! I try to hold myself together, but my insides are all squiggly! When they gave Ashley the Versed(happy juice), I started getting that dizzy, floaty feeling too. It made Ashley teary, and so it made her Daddy and I feel that way too. Thank goodness Grandma Sue was there to support Ashley's parents!
She is still groggy (thank God for sedation), but is not in a lot of pain.
She was one scarred little girl, but she was brave and did so well! She is happy that it is all over, and looking forward to eating a lot of orange sherbet and lime Jello.
Her sweet cousin, Kyra, brought over a bunch of Popsicles, suckers, and an art project. That made Ashley very happy! Also, Grandma Sue gave her a beautiful bracelet and a Hannah Montana CD. That also made her smile!
Please keep her in your prayers, that her recovery will go smooth.
P.S. This is a shout-out for Ashley's nurses. They were the best!! Barbara, (Pre-op) knew her stuff when it came to putting in an IV on a girl who was beyond terrified! Karrie, (Recovery), was so sweet and kind!! We were blessed today!
Posted by SheilaDy at Wednesday, July 18, 2007 1 comments
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Blackberry Peach Cobbler
I made this new dessert last night for Aaron & Cher's "last supper". It was so delicious!! All who ate it, which I think was all of us, agreed that it was probably the best cobbler ever! Especially the bread/cake part!
I served it with vanilla ice cream. Yum!
2 cups flour
1 1/2 cups sugar
1/2 tsp. salt
4 tsp. baking powder
1 1/2 cups milk
1 tsp. vanilla
4 cups peaches, sliced
2 cups blackberries
1/4 cup butter
2 Tbsp. lemon juice
1/2 cup sugar
3 Tbsp. cornstarch
3/4 cup. water
1/2 cup butter
1/4 cup sugar
1 Tbsp. cinnamon
1. Combine flour, sugar, salt and baking powder.
2. Stir in milk and vanilla. Set aside.
3. To make the filling, combine peaches and blackberries, butter, lemon juice, and sugar in saucepan. Bring to a boil over medium heat. Mix together cornstarch and water and stir into fruit mixture. Cook until thickened. Pour into a 9 x 13 greased pan.
4. Spread cake batter over top of fruit.
5. Melt butter and pour over batter. Sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon.
6. Bake at 375 degrees for 30 minutes.
(HINT: you may want to put a cookie sheet under the pan. The cobbler boils and may spill over in the oven)
Posted by SheilaDy at Tuesday, July 17, 2007 1 comments
Good byes are never fun!
We said good bye to Aaron, Cher, Alyssa and Kenlee early this morning, as they headed back to their home in Colorado Springs. I hate good-byes! They make me feel so sad.
We had such a great month with them as our house-guests!! They were so easy to keep! There never seems to be enough days to do all that we wanted to do, but we did make tons of fun memories.
From "hunting" ants that had invaded the kitchen, to curling up in blankets on the floor to watch movies at night, the little girls had a blast together.
We spent a lot of time in the water. Between our pool, Roaring Springs Water Park, and our float down the Boise River, we managed to stay somewhat cool.
We will miss them, and are looking forward to the times we will see them again.
Now we have Ashley's surgery tomorrow. Please help us pray that will go smoothly for her and us!
Posted by SheilaDy at Tuesday, July 17, 2007 1 comments
Monday, July 16, 2007
Weekend in the mountains
Nothing beats a weekend in the mountains!
Last Friday afternoon, we headed up to the cabin in Donnelly, ID. It was a very relaxing weekend! Duane and Marc golfed on Saturday at Tamarack Resort, while Talisha and I hung out with the kids.
I was ankle deep in the little creek that runs in through the front yard, teaching the kids how to build a dam. All of a sudden saw tadpoles and began to try to catch them for the girls. I finally got one by the tail, and while holding it up for them to see, Talisha noticed that I had caught a leech, not a tadpole!!!! Alex put it in a water bottle, and named it Leonard.
Awhile later that afternoon, we packed a picnic lunch and I took the kids down to the lake to eat it. Due to the excessive amount of red ants in the grass, we opted to wade in the lake while eating our lunch. As Ashley walked along the water, she noticed a large black "thing" in the shallow water. Upon further inspection, we discovered that it was thousands (literally) of leeches all grouped together. Needless to say, our plans to swim later that afternoon, flew right out the window! As we walked the trail back to the cabin, we discussed, "Why did God create yucky bugs(red ants and mosquitoes) and water creatures(leeches)?"
Instead of swimming, we went fishing. I caught the first fish. Ashley caught the largest (4 inches long) and Marc caught the smallest (2 inches). It was a blast!
I took my camera, intending to capture all the precious moments that would take place, but I did not take my battery charger. So, after Duane took the camera with him golfing, it bit the dust. Needless to say, I only have pictures to share of Duane golfing.
"A day in the mountains is worth a week in the city". Thank you God for creating such beauty!
Posted by SheilaDy at Monday, July 16, 2007 1 comments
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Monte Cristo Sandwich...Yum!
I'm not sure about the rest of you, but I love a good Monte Cristo Sandwich. My favorite place to get them is Miss Tami's Tea Cottage, in Meridian. A really good one is crispy on the outside, not soggy. Today, Cher and I watched Rachel Ray from the Food Network make these delicious looking monte cristos. I love the thought of cranberry and she recommended using green apple slices as too. I am going to try them, and thought maybe you would enjoy the recipe as well. If you do try them, let me know what you think. Enjoy!! Super Stuffed Monte Cristo Sandwich 8 slices center cut or apple wood smoked bacon 4 large eggs, beaten Warm 1/4 cup half-and-half 1/4 teaspoon grated nutmeg or ground -- eyeball it 1/2 teaspoon coarse ground black pepper -- eyeball it 2 tablespoons butter 8 thick cut sliced whole-grain soft bread, white, or challah 1/2 cup brown mustard 1/2 cup whole berry cranberry sauce 1/2 pound sliced havarti cheese 1 pound sliced ham 1 pound sliced turkey breast 1 1/2 cups medium to dark amber maple syrup. Heat a griddle pan or large skillet over medium high heat. Cook bacon and remove to paper towels to drain, 5 minutes. Drain off fat. Reheat griddle over medium heat. Make sandwiches in 2 batches. Beat eggs with half-and-half, nutmeg and pepper. Add 1 tablespoon butter to the griddle or pan and melt. Turn 4 slices bread in batter, then add to griddle or pan. Turn bread after it browns, 2 to 3 minutes. Top 2 bread slices with mustard, the other 2 with cranberry sauce. Add 2 slices of cheese and bacon on the cranberry covered bread. Add ham, then turkey to the mustard covered bread. Use a spatula to assemble 2 sandwiches and turn and press gently to set sandwiches in place. Repeat to make 2 more sandwiches. Cut sandwiches from corner to corner. Heat syrup in microwave safe container for 30 seconds. Drizzle syrup over sandwiches at the table. |
Posted by SheilaDy at Thursday, July 12, 2007 1 comments
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Happy Birthday Aaron!!!
Happy 33rd Birthday my little brother, Aaron Paul!!!
You are the greatest brother there is! I am proud of the guy you have become and feel like I should take some of the credit for it.
Our endless sibling rivalry, gave you great survival skills. The times I whacked you with a hairbrush (because you were sitting on me), caused you to have a high pain tolerance. The non-stop bossy-ness you had to put up with, taught you at an early age that women are in charge(hee-hee), and it would be best for you to just understand that and shut-up!
I will never forget the times you stuck up for me... and all the times you still do. I wish I had stuck up for you more. I wish I had enjoyed being your sister more...I do now!!
You have become such an amazing man!! You are married to a beautiful lady, Cherylyn. You are a great Daddy to two precious little girls, Alyssa and Kenlee. You are Uncle Aaron to my three children, and they adore you. You are Hero to Alex, and he wants to "look like his Dad, but have your brains"!!
You are using the many gifts that God has given you to contribute to the lives of those around you. You are working to be all that God has called you to be.
Today, I hope you feel as special as we all know you are!!
If I had my life to live over again....I would like you more.
Thank you for being my little brother!
Love your big sister,
Posted by SheilaDy at Tuesday, July 10, 2007 2 comments
Monday, July 9, 2007
My Sis, Cher
I grew up with only a brother...Aaron. Please understand that he was and still is a great brother, (there will be more about him tomorrow, on his birthday). But, I had wanted a sister since I can remember.
Then almost nine years ago, Aaron married Cher, and I finally I had a sister!
Cher has such a beautiful heart, and is sweet, compassionate and fun all wrapped into one. She loves Jesus, and her family abundantly. She is the best thing that has ever happened to Aaron; she is a wonderful mother to her girls, Alyssa and Kenlee, and my children think she is the greatest Aunt Cher!
As far as sisters go, I scored! She loves to hang out and watch chick-flicks, shop, cook and laugh her head off with me. I didn't have her around while I was growing up, but we are making up for it now!
Today is not her birthday, just a day that I wanted to let the world(at least those who read this blog) know that I love and appreciate her gobs!
Posted by SheilaDy at Monday, July 09, 2007 3 comments
Sick kids
Well, the flu has attacked our house! Fever, nausea, body aches...uggg!
Alex was sick last Friday, and now Nikki and Ashley have it!
There are nine people living in our house, and three have gotten bit by the bug. If you do your math, that leaves six people that are still in line for "the bite".
Cher and I went to Walmart last night and stocked up on Chicken Noodle soup, Saltines, Gatorade, Airborn, Zicam, children's Motrin, adult Advil....then we pulled out the vitamin C and Lysol...we are ready to fight!
I have Ashley and Nikki quarantined in our bedroom, watching movies and eating toast. Every now and then, Kenlee and Alyssa go to the door and say supportive things to the patients. It is quite sad.
Please pray with us, that those of us who are still well, can stay that way. We want to make the most of Aaron and Cher's last week here!
The Nurse (Sheila)
Posted by SheilaDy at Monday, July 09, 2007 2 comments
Thursday, July 5, 2007
My Mom, Sue and my Aunt Lisa are two of my closest friends, and all-time favorite people!
It has been said that true beauty comes from within. These two women are beautiful inside and out!
I love you both, and I am proud to be an Aman girl!
Posted by SheilaDy at Thursday, July 05, 2007 1 comments
Alex's Summer Haircut
This morning, Alex decided that he wanted to get an official Marine haircut from his Uncle Aaron, the real Marine. After the initial shock, he loves it! Now, if he can keep his sisters from touching the top of his head, he will be doing good.
Posted by SheilaDy at Thursday, July 05, 2007 1 comments
Rodeo Queens in the making
On Tuesday night, we enjoyed a BBQ at Uncle Dennis and Aunt Lisa's house. On of the highlights of their place is that they have horses. Uncle Dennis being the sweet man that he is, saddled up three horses, and the kids rode for an hour or so.
Alyssa, Kenlee and Nikki were so happy, and Ashley was in her element.
Thank you Uncle Dennis and Cousin Crystal, for the horse rides. You made the kids very happy!
Posted by SheilaDy at Thursday, July 05, 2007 1 comments
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
Tuesday, July 3, 2007
Having fun with family!
Aaron, Cher, Alyssa(6) and Kenlee(3), my brother, sis-in-law, and nieces, are here visiting from Colorado. They have been staying here in our home, and we are having a blast with them.
The day they arrived, we got our new big pool set up, so we have been hanging out in the pool a lot! The kids are in water heaven!
Aaron and Cher are worrying about "wearing out their welcome", but I am not. They are very easy to keep. Besides, Nikki is enjoying her "live-in playmates". She wakes up and has instant friends!
Alyssa and Nikki are the same age, and very close. Kenlee is friends with whomever she choses at any given moment.
Aunt Dee Dee(a.k.a. Aunt Sheila) is thrilled to have them around!
The farther down life's road I walk, I realize that my family is my life, and I don't know where I would be, or what I would do without them!
If you hear that someone let the air out of Aaron's van tires...it might have be me???
Posted by SheilaDy at Tuesday, July 03, 2007 3 comments
Monday, July 2, 2007
A book about me!
I was in a new used book store a couple of weeks ago, and was perusing the children's books. I had seen most of them and turned to leave, when a book caught my eye.
"Otherwise Known As Sheila the Great", by Judy Blume. I don't know where I have been all these years, but I had never even heard of the book. I had to have it! I bought it, came home and began to read this delightful little story. A few days later, I happened to look at the publishing date, and guess what...it was published the year I was born: 1972.
I have thoroughly enjoyed sharing this book with my brother, Aaron, who replied upon seeing it, "I always knew that book had to be out there."
Posted by SheilaDy at Monday, July 02, 2007 0 comments
Lit & Latte Book Group
I have always wanted to lead a book group. My love for books has been a lifetime in the making. So, to be able to share the delight of reading with a group of friends....the stuff dreams are made of!
I decided a year ago, that I would gather a group of five friends together and start my first book group. We have read some wonderful books! My friend book group has become a monthly priority.
So, then after a year of attending our new church, Boise First Nazarene, I volunteered to co-lead a new women's small group called, Lit & Latte. Those of you who know me well, know that I love all things coffee and tea. So, to be able to share my love of books AND coffee...a dream come true! To make a long story short...I am leading a small group of 18 women!! We started by reading, "Captivating...exploring the hidden nature of a woman's soul".
This book is unbelievable! I am only through the third chapter, and I am stripped down to the nitty-gritty of who and what I am.
I am deeply relating to the author's thoughts on how we women, young and old, are overwhelmed by expectations. We turn outward, and we face expectations to be the perfect friend, church-member, wife, mom...then we turn inward, and we face expectations of our own making. We think we have to be "all that to all people".
We carry around so much guilt and failure.
Stasi Eldredge writes, "We have thoughts of, I am not enough and, I am too much all at the same time. Not pretty enough, not thin enough, not kind enough, not gracious enough, not disciplined enough. But then we are too emotional, too needy, too sensitive, too strong, too opinionated, too messy! The result is Shame, the universal companion of women. It haunts us, nipping at our heels, feeding our deepest fear that we will end up abandoned and alone."
If you get the chance to read this book, you will not be disappointed. If you are even considering starting a book group...do it!
One of my favorite quotes (yes, I have many!) is..."We read to know that we are not alone" by C.S. Lewis
Happy Reading!
Posted by SheilaDy at Monday, July 02, 2007 0 comments
Facing Grace
Hello, to all who are reading this blog.
My dear friend, Cara Gremillion, has successfully convinced me to start blogging. I am not sure that she has begun the adventure herself, but she thinks I need to. So, here goes.
I have picked the name Facing Grace, because that is exactly what I do every day. It is my identity. Without grace in my life, I am lonely, afraid, shameful and lost. Every day, I am reminded that Christ has redeemed my life. He so lovingly gave me grace and mercy, when I least deserved it. So, I wake up each day "facing grace".
Posted by SheilaDy at Monday, July 02, 2007 2 comments