Monday, July 16, 2007

Weekend in the mountains

Nothing beats a weekend in the mountains!

Last Friday afternoon, we headed up to the cabin in Donnelly, ID. It was a very relaxing weekend! Duane and Marc golfed on Saturday at Tamarack Resort, while Talisha and I hung out with the kids.
I was ankle deep in the little creek that runs in through the front yard, teaching the kids how to build a dam. All of a sudden saw tadpoles and began to try to catch them for the girls. I finally got one by the tail, and while holding it up for them to see, Talisha noticed that I had caught a leech, not a tadpole!!!! Alex put it in a water bottle, and named it Leonard.

Awhile later that afternoon, we packed a picnic lunch and I took the kids down to the lake to eat it. Due to the excessive amount of red ants in the grass, we opted to wade in the lake while eating our lunch. As Ashley walked along the water, she noticed a large black "thing" in the shallow water. Upon further inspection, we discovered that it was thousands (literally) of leeches all grouped together. Needless to say, our plans to swim later that afternoon, flew right out the window! As we walked the trail back to the cabin, we discussed, "Why did God create yucky bugs(red ants and mosquitoes) and water creatures(leeches)?"

Instead of swimming, we went fishing. I caught the first fish. Ashley caught the largest (4 inches long) and Marc caught the smallest (2 inches). It was a blast!

I took my camera, intending to capture all the precious moments that would take place, but I did not take my battery charger. So, after Duane took the camera with him golfing, it bit the dust. Needless to say, I only have pictures to share of Duane golfing.

"A day in the mountains is worth a week in the city". Thank you God for creating such beauty!


Lucydolls' ramblings said...

OHHHHHH you sound like your aunty Lisa with the camera thing. grrrrrrr. oh well. I am glad you got to get away!