Saturday, July 21, 2007


Happy 6th Anniversary to Steven and Deanna Debooy!!

I have been blessed with truly, wonderful friends in my life, and one of those is Deanna. She and I became friends at the age of 8, and although we have never lived near each other for very long, we have kept our precious friendship.
It was 1983, when our family moved from Illinois to Idaho, and since then Deanna and I have had a "long-distance friendship", with visits every few years.
Six years ago she married Steven, and Duane and I became fast friends of his as well. Who wouldn't like a guy who thinks your best friend is wonderful...he makes a mean cuppa(tea) as well!

God has blessed Steven and Dee with a beautiful girl, Chloe, and another baby that will make his appearance very soon...hopefully!!

They are currently living in Australia, and we are thrilled that they will become Idaho residents this Fall!!! I have dreamed for so long that Dee and I would live near one another, and I have to admit that I didn't think it would ever happen. God is good...all the time!

May God bless both of you with many happy years together and love that mirrors Christ's.


Lucydolls' ramblings said...

Friends are so awesome. Some people have no clue what REAL friends are about. I have several in my life that are there no matter what or when. Rhoda and Rachel are always there for me, even tho we don't agree on much, we are still the bestests of friends. Teresa is the bestest friend I could ever ask for. She is my anchor and even tho I don't see or talk to her much, we have that vibe. The one when you call out of the blue and it is bad day for her or visa versa. She is awesome. Then there are the family friends. My special family! Sheila, Sue and on and on. Thanks for the friendship and sorry, but you are stuck with me for the aunt part. heheh
I am so happy for you and Dee, that will be so great and who knows her daughter and Nikki maybe the bestests of friends someday!
Love ya!