As you can tell by my previous post, I was looking for a way to make today extra special! I had no more than put my warm little piggy's on the floor, and my phone rang.
It was my friend, Anita, and she wanted to know if they could come up to Nampa, to celebrate Kayla's birthday with us tonight?
Of course we said "yes", and so after they pick the girls up from school, they will be on their way!
We have cleaned, shopped for an amazing gift (chosen by Alex:), and have the birthday balloons (also chosen by Alex) waiting for her arrival!!!
A Special Day for a Special Girl!
Happy Leap Day!
Friday, February 29, 2008
It has been decided!
Posted by SheilaDy at Friday, February 29, 2008 1 comments
Thursday, February 28, 2008
The Gift of a Day!
Tomorrow, February 29th, is a gift. On this day, we have been given 24 extra hours to breath, live, laugh, love, play, celebrate.....
How many times have I dreamed for more hours or extra time to do something! And what do you know....I got it!
So, I have been thinking about that, and what I might do on this "extra day"! I haven't come up with anything too grand yet.
I am praying that it will be sunny, and maybe warm-ish....and then we can do something outside?
Maybe a walk down the greenbelt
Lunch in the park
Walk downtown & look for old books at rickety old shops....
We do want to wish Kayla Haight a very happy 12th birthday tomorrow.
Since she was born on Leap Day, she is in all actuality, only 4 years old!
Kayla, you are a sweet girl, and a wonderful friend to Ashley, Alex & Nikki! Have a fun day!This is Kayla at Focus on the Family, recording an Odyssey episode!
Posted by SheilaDy at Thursday, February 28, 2008 2 comments
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Ten for Tuesday
TEN THINGS I WOULD RATHER NOT LIVE WITHOUT EVERY DAY (besides family, friends & my Creator God):
10. Dishwasher
9. A Beka DVDs
8. Soap
7. Cell Phone
6. Washer/Dryer
5. Coffee Pot
4. Van
3. Hairspray
2. Garlic Press (Pampered Chef)
And # 1.....(drum roll please)
1. Razor! (are you surprised?)
Posted by SheilaDy at Tuesday, February 26, 2008 3 comments
Monday, February 25, 2008
This past weekend, my mother and father, took all three of the children on a trip to visit cousins. They are scheduled to arrive home this evening...for which I am glad, because I have really, really missed them!
Duane and I have enjoyed a relaxing weekend together. He took me out to dinner Saturday night, to eat one of our favorite cuisines...Thai Food! The restaurant was one that we had been wanting to try, and it was nice. I can't say that it was the best Thai I have had, but I would eat there again. So far, my favorite is still Mai Thai in Eagle! If you live in this area, and you want to try Thai, I highly recommend it! And if you need someone to go along, just give us a call!
We spent a beautiful morning in church yesterday, and once again feasted on Pastor Darrell's sermon which took us further into Psalms 119.
This morning, after Duane left for work, the house was silent! At first, it felt eerie, but then the silence grew on me! My first reaction was to turn on some noise, but I felt a desire to sit with a cup of coffee, and read my Bible in the silence. (I never have complete quiet, unless I get out of bed before there is any oxygen!)
For a little background- I am at this very moment, (and for the last few days) asking something VERY big from God! I mean REALLY BIG! I know that it is going to spark some curiosity, but I feel the need to keep this between me and God right now. So, when you pray for me, just ask God to help me with the REALLY BIG thing that I am praying for!
This (quiet, silent) morning, I sat and read almost twenty different verses from the Bible in regards to Faith! I went to, and typed in the word faith, and then took my Bible and read through the verses listed. I only got through a fraction of the ones given...but it was a start. I could see a trend in what I was reading..."follow My commands, and walk by faith..." See the word walk indicates a journey. Not an immediate happening or event, but rather a journey where I, Sheila, follow the commands of Christ, and with my hand securely gripping His hand, I walk in faith, knowing beyond a shadow of a doubt that He does ALL things well!
So, that is what I am doing! I know that He wants to do something HUGE for me, and so, I will walk in faith, believing He is going to answer!
In the meantime, I will do some laundry, eat some lunch, read awhile, maybe take a nap, and start dinner!
God is good...all the time!
Posted by SheilaDy at Monday, February 25, 2008 0 comments
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Nikki's World
These are a few pictures of Nikki that I thought were sweet enough to share.Last Saturday, Talisha and I took the kids swimming. Although this picture is blurry, I couldn't resist sharing it. Emme and Nikki were having so much fun!
She came bouncing into the kitchen yesterday and asked me for graham crackers, her new favorite snack. She wrapped them in a napkin, looked at me, and said, "I am going out to go sit in the sunshine!" (don't you just love the worn out pants?)
These are my first graders, Alyssa and Nikki, practicing their blends and clue words this morning. These girls love to compete, and so this method works!!!
Today Nikki be-dazzled these t-shirts for her American Girl dolls, Samantha, Kit & Josefina. She was so proud of herself! The shirts were a Christmas gift from Grandpa & Grandma Taylor.
Posted by SheilaDy at Thursday, February 21, 2008 0 comments
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Ten on Tuesday
Just for fun, here are my ten favorite places to go (in no particular order):
- Starbucks/Barnes & Noble
- Seattle, Washington
- Bed
- TJ Maxx (Boise)
- Oregon Coast/Pacific Ocean
- Roaring Springs (Meridian)
- Zella Marie's Cupboards & Grace (Nampa)
- Cost Plus World Market
- Brick 29 Bistro (Nampa)
- Camping in the mountains
Posted by SheilaDy at Tuesday, February 19, 2008 1 comments
Monday, February 18, 2008
Happy Birthday George and Abe!
Yes, my poor children had to do school today! I reminded them that they got Valentine's day off, and so we had to do our schoolwork today. I did my best to make it an interesting President's Day, with historical stories, artwork, songs....
This morning, we started out the day, by reading stories about George Washington and Abraham Lincoln. We read about how George at the age of six told his father the truth about chopping the bark off of the cherry tree, and how Abe walked miles to return some change he owed a man, and tea he had shorted a lady. We spent time discussing the virtue of being honest!
What I got from all the stories we read, was that these men where truly devoted to God!
We read where Abraham and Mary, his wife, had a rocky marriage (reportedly, she had issues with insanity) obviously, he wasn't perfect! And I am sure that George had flaws. But, history proves that these men relied on God, prayed faithfully, and on many occasions were seen reading their Bibles.
So, today I say, "Thanks and Happy Birthday" to George and Abe for their contributions to America! We owe a great debt of gratitude to them!
Posted by SheilaDy at Monday, February 18, 2008 0 comments
Friday, February 15, 2008
Valentine's Day: Taylor Family Style
For five years now, Duane and I have celebrated Valentine's Day with the children. We do our best to make it a special day for them, showing them that they are deeply loved!
Then on the weekend, Duane takes me out for a intimate dinner for two. See, that way we don't have to fight for a table in crowded restaurants on Valentine's Day!
So, tradition has it that Mom makes a very special dinner: Shrimp Linguine Alfredo, Parmesan & Basil Breadsticks, Salad (it has to have black olives in it) and Sparkling Grape Apple Juice.
We have to eat on the fancy china, and drink from "easily breakable" goblets.Last night was no exception, and it was so wonderful to sit around our table and share the love! Alex declared Valentine's Day, as "the best day of the whole year"! Of course I know that any day, that involves food and gifts, is his favorite day!
After we were stuffed to the gills, Duane announced that he was going to do all of the dishes. But the catch was, I had to go take a bath and relax! Well, I was not real sure that is what I wanted to do, but after Duane reminded me that I like to complain because I never get time for a bath...I followed orders. I have to say that it was heavenly, and I think that is going to have to become a tradition for this "day of love" as well!"...these three remain: faith, hope and love, but the greatest of these is love!"
Posted by SheilaDy at Friday, February 15, 2008 1 comments
Thursday, February 14, 2008
The Proof is in the Pudding!
For those of you who have developed the opinion that I have all my ducks in a row....let me introduce you to "Proof that Sheila's Has Issues"!
I have some faithful readers & friends, who have decided that based on some of what they read on my blog, my life seems flowery, and tied up neatly with a pretty ribbon.
All of it makes me laugh/cry, because like anyone else, I am not perfect. I have bad days, bad habits and bad messes! I just don't like to write about all of those things, because, like anyone else, I like to think about what is lovely and righteous...and believe me, what goes on in my house is not always very righteous!
I have gotten to a place in my life, where I am quite comfortable being transparent about my issues. I know that even if someone appears perfect in an area that I am weak in, they are most likely weak in another area. Maybe they are just working so hard to keep everything looking perfect, like I do sometimes.
I have been guilty of trying to make others think I have it all together, but it is exhausting!
I have closets that need re-organizing, beds that are not yet made today, pictures that need to be in a scrapbook or frames, clothes that need to go to Sally's, a van that needs washed, stuff hanging where it doesn't belong, outdoor Christmas decor that need to be put away, dishes that need washing, floors that need vacuuming, books that need shelves....and to prove it, I have pictures that I JUST took a few minutes ago.
These piles of things represent several things for me:
- Jobs that I despise, so therefore, I ignore!
- Things that I put off, because I have more fun things to do.
- Things that are behind doors, or in boxes, and can be hidden.
Please give yourself a break, do your best, and don't try to be like those around you think are perfect. People are people...humans without perfection.
Now excuse me while I go pray for myself and then clean up this mess! Maybe I will call Peter Walsh (author of the book: Does This House Make My Butt Look Big?")
Mom, I apologize if this post embarrasses you. I know you taught me to not have piles!
Posted by SheilaDy at Thursday, February 14, 2008 2 comments
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Two Special Friends with birthdays!
Twelve years ago, at Summer Camp in McCall, Roger Kellogg, showed me a picture of the girl that he was in love with. He had met her on a TLC missions trip to Guatemala; her name was Damaris Solis. I looked at the picture, and told Roger that she was one of the most beautiful girls I had ever seen (of course he agreed!).Exactly one year after he showed me the picture, Roger married that beautiful girl!
Roger and Duane are cousins. But Roger, Duane and I were school friends, having graduated together. Roger spent a lot of time hanging out with us, so it was a joy to have Damaris join the party!
I loved that girl from the beginning! Damaris became an instant friend, and we have only grown into better friends, as the years go by. We are such great friends, that she doesn't get offended, if I don't understand what she is saying.
See, Damaris, had to learn English, when she moved to America. And while she did it amazingly this day, when she says "Guatemala" (Wa-te-mala), I think she is saying "Watermelon". So, you can understand my confusion, because for years, I thought Damaris had been raised in a watermelon!!! (ha ha :) Thank you Damaris for being patient with me!
Damaris is mommy to two equally gorgeous, little girls, Heather and Kristin...and a very good mommy at that! She has made Roger, an even better man! Together, they are an amazing couple, with a heart for others and a passion for God!
Her birthday was a couple of weeks ago...but Happy Birthday again, Damaris! Thank you for being such a wonderful friend!
Now, its Paula's turn.....where do I begin?!!! (Sue, Paula & Anita)
I have "known" Paula my entire life. She was raised in Kuna, around my mother's family. So, all my life, I heard stories about them, and remember seeing her at camp. This is as truthful as it a child, I remember seeing her and thinking that she was one of THE most beautiful girls EVER!
Guess what...she was then, and still is now!
About six years ago, Paula started attending the same church we did. We obviously had a connection, since she knew my family very well. As time went on, Paula became a close friend!
Today, I consider her as one of my closest friends. She calls and begs for my kids to come over (I used "begged" loosely). And when Rose and I need coffee at 9:00 at night, Paula is always up to joining us!
Paula is my most "fun" friend! She loves to be goofy; laughs contagiously, and is never "too good" to play a joke on someone! At the same time, she is a friend that I can be real with, and she loves me nonetheless!
Paula is an amazing mom to Jessica & Austin, and an even more amazing wife to Jake (Paula, make sure Jake knows I said this! :)
Happy Birthday, Paula! Thank you for brightening my world!
Posted by SheilaDy at Tuesday, February 12, 2008 2 comments
Monday, February 11, 2008
Monday's Indulgence
As I stated in my last post, I have been fighting a winter cold. As the day has progressed, so has my level of miserable-ity! (I know that is not a word, but it comes the closest to describing how I feel!)
So, I have schooled, washed clothes, fixed lunch, done dishes....and now I am preparing to chill, maybe even nap!
I have brewed a cup of Acai' (ah-sigh-EE) Green Tea, (which is one of my favorites), grabbed the book that I am reviewing for book group discussion (The Good Nearby), and now I am prepared to CHILL in a patch of sunshine that is streaming through the window.This is my heart's whisper today, taken from the song, Abide With Me......
"I need Thy presence every passing hour. What but Thy grace can foil the tempter's power?
Who, like Thyself, my guide and stay can be? Through cloud and sunshine, Lord, abide with me."
Posted by SheilaDy at Monday, February 11, 2008 0 comments
Head-colds, Basketball, and Church...what a weekend!
Yes, what a weekend!
Alex's basketball game was to start at 8 am, Saturday morning. We got into bed around midnight, Friday night. We set our alarms, and fell to sleep! I told Duane as I closed my eyes, that I thought I could feel a head-cold coming on.......uggg!
I woke up at 2 am, sicker than a dog! I won't go into don't need that!
The bad news is, I didn't get to go to Alex's game.
The good news is, THEY WON!!
I wasn't there, but I have been told, that Grandma Sue cheered enough for 5 people combined! Thank you, Mom, for getting up so early and driving to Alex's game. Also, thank you to Grandpa Bob and Grandma Margaret. Alex loves it that all of you are there!
I woke up feeling pretty rotten on Sunday too! But, this Sunday was special, so I pulled and prodded myself out of bed, and got there with bells on!
Duane and I joined the membership of Boise First Nazarene Church yesterday! We are now officially considered Nazarene's!!
We love our church, and we are ready to give our full support & commitment to the ministry to Boise First, so it was easy to know that it was time!
By the time we got out of church, I was feeling so good! It must have had something to do with the sunshine!
I still have the residual effects of a cold, but I am much better today! Nikki and Ashley are feeling pretty rough this morning, so Ashley is in bed, and Nikki is quietly doing her papers for school. Alyssa is home sick today too!
Spring...please come!!!
Posted by SheilaDy at Monday, February 11, 2008 1 comments
Thursday, February 7, 2008
One Completed Project!
I have many projects that need started, worked on and completed around my house! Now, I have one done and quite a few to go!
My sweet mom, gave me this Memory Board (Creative Memories) for Christmas. I love it! My "one-the-ball" sister, Kristi, had hers done right, it took awhile, but I finally got it done!I just thought that maybe someone would like to see it! I am planning to change it every couple of months, and then for special occasions. After I take one down, I will just transfer it to a designated scrapbook album. (at least those are my intentions!)
Posted by SheilaDy at Thursday, February 07, 2008 5 comments
Friday, February 1, 2008
A Lesson learned from a Country Song!
I confess that this morning, I woke up in somewhat of a bad mood! I don't really know why, I just woke up and felt like there was a storm cloud over my head! As I posted earlier this week, I struggle this time of year with cabin fever/winter blahs, so I chalked my mood up this morning to that. I prayed as I crawled out of bed, that God would give me the strength to get through my day.
I schooled the children, did some laundry, washed know--the normal, everyday stuff!
Then I remembered that I needed to go to the bank today to make a deposit, so I put my shoes on, and left to run my errands. As I got in the car, I was still feeling blah, and started feeling sorry for myself. I had a good conversation/pity party going on in my head.
You see, I know that I have so much to be grateful for, and I have a good life! But, I am at a stage in my life where getting a break and time alone, is so challenging! I feel like an over-pecked momma hen!
So, I am driving down the road today, thinking, "poor me, I am so tired, and I very seldom get away from my three children, and I have so many demands on me"...on and on it went!
That is when it happened...I heard a song come on the radio that I hadn't heard before, so I turned it up, so I could hear the words.
It was a country song by Trace Adkins called, "You're Gonna Miss This". I listened carefully and then realized that I was crying. I honestly had to pull over to the side of the road, behind Nampa High School, and search for a tissue!
The song ended, and I heard God say, "Sheila, you don't know it now, but these are some of the best days of your life, and I already know that you are going to look back on these days, and miss every moment!"
I apologized to Him for being ungrateful, and thanked Him that I am right where I am at over-pecked momma hen to three beautiful chicks!
Yes, I do believe that God spoke to me through this Country Song!
You're Gonna Miss This!
By: Trace Adkins
She was staring out the window of that SUV
Complaining, saying "I can't wait to turn 18"
She said "I'll make my own money, and I'll make my own rules"
Mamma put the car in park out there in front of the school
Then she kissed her head and said "I was just like you"
You're gonna miss this
You're gonna want this back
You're gonna wish these days hadn't gone by so fast
These are some good times
So take a good look around
You may not know it now
But you're gonna miss this
Before she knows it she's a brand new bride
In a one-bedroom apartment, and her daddy stops by
He tells her "It's a nice place"
She says "It'll do for now"
Starts talking about babies and buying a house
Daddy shakes his head and says "Baby, just slow down"
Cause you're gonna miss this
You're gonna want this back
You're gonna wish these days hadn't gone by so fast
These are some good times
So take a good look around
You may not know it now
But you're gonna miss this
Five years later there's a plumber workin' on the water heater
Dog's barkin', phone's ringin'
One kid's cryin', one kid's screamin'
She keeps apologizin'
He says "They don't bother me.
I've got 2 babies of my own.
One's 36, one's 23.
Huh, it's hard to believe, but ...
You're gonna miss this
You're gonna want this back
You're gonna wish these days hadn't gone by so fast
These are some good times
So take a good look around
You may not know it now
But you're gonna miss this"
Posted by SheilaDy at Friday, February 01, 2008 2 comments