Thursday, February 14, 2008

The Proof is in the Pudding!

For those of you who have developed the opinion that I have all my ducks in a row....let me introduce you to "Proof that Sheila's Has Issues"!

I have some faithful readers & friends, who have decided that based on some of what they read on my blog, my life seems flowery, and tied up neatly with a pretty ribbon.
All of it makes me laugh/cry, because like anyone else, I am not perfect. I have bad days, bad habits and bad messes! I just don't like to write about all of those things, because, like anyone else, I like to think about what is lovely and righteous...and believe me, what goes on in my house is not always very righteous!
I have gotten to a place in my life, where I am quite comfortable being transparent about my issues. I know that even if someone appears perfect in an area that I am weak in, they are most likely weak in another area. Maybe they are just working so hard to keep everything looking perfect, like I do sometimes.

I have been guilty of trying to make others think I have it all together, but it is exhausting!

I have closets that need re-organizing, beds that are not yet made today, pictures that need to be in a scrapbook or frames, clothes that need to go to Sally's, a van that needs washed, stuff hanging where it doesn't belong, outdoor Christmas decor that need to be put away, dishes that need washing, floors that need vacuuming, books that need shelves....and to prove it, I have pictures that I JUST took a few minutes ago.

These piles of things represent several things for me:

  1. Jobs that I despise, so therefore, I ignore!
  2. Things that I put off, because I have more fun things to do.
  3. Things that are behind doors, or in boxes, and can be hidden.
I will say that it is not easy for me to show this stuff to the world, but I am so ready to not connect what others might think of me to my worth as a person. I am very aware that I am not perfect, and that I do need to tackle these problems, and I will...especially now that you all have seen it! :)

Please give yourself a break, do your best, and don't try to be like those around you think are perfect. People are people...humans without perfection.

Now excuse me while I go pray for myself and then clean up this mess! Maybe I will call Peter Walsh (author of the book: Does This House Make My Butt Look Big?")

Mom, I apologize if this post embarrasses you. I know you taught me to not have piles!


Lucydolls' ramblings said...

I know you and know you are not perfect, but my house makes me look like I have a big butt!

I love you!

Anonymous said...

Sheila, I sent something yesterday and it didn't make it to you!??

I commented that no one is perfect and everyone has little secret piles or closets (like me!!) I determined that just because I "was home every day" (Bob will challenge this.ha) I was not going to become obsessed with cleaning. For years!!!! I had to do my cleaning on Saturday because of my work schedule. I find myself leaving the major cleaning for Saturday when I could do it on Friday or even Monday! So, girl-kid, relax!!! You will never have these days again and no one has gotten hurt or sick because of your piles, my piles or anyone else's piles.
Love you, Mom