Monday, February 18, 2008

Happy Birthday George and Abe!

Yes, my poor children had to do school today! I reminded them that they got Valentine's day off, and so we had to do our schoolwork today. I did my best to make it an interesting President's Day, with historical stories, artwork, songs....

This morning, we started out the day, by reading stories about George Washington and Abraham Lincoln. We read about how George at the age of six told his father the truth about chopping the bark off of the cherry tree, and how Abe walked miles to return some change he owed a man, and tea he had shorted a lady. We spent time discussing the virtue of being honest!

What I got from all the stories we read, was that these men where truly devoted to God!
We read where Abraham and Mary, his wife, had a rocky marriage (reportedly, she had issues with insanity) obviously, he wasn't perfect! And I am sure that George had flaws. But, history proves that these men relied on God, prayed faithfully, and on many occasions were seen reading their Bibles.

So, today I say, "Thanks and Happy Birthday" to George and Abe for their contributions to America! We owe a great debt of gratitude to them!