Sunday, January 27, 2008

Ringlets & Basketball...who ever said my life was dull?

My Cousin Kyra was crowned Princess at Greenleaf Friends Academy Friday night. Ok, let's back up a bit....Kyra called me last week and asked me if I knew how to do "ringlets" (tight long curls)? After some thought, and a commitment from my dearest friend, and chief ringlet/hair designer, Rose, I said that we would do it.
So, on Friday afternoon, we gave Kyra hundreds, yes, I said hundreds of ringlets! Rose did the design/style of Kyra's hair, and I just curled. Kyra was thrilled with her "do", and we all thought she was beautiful! She made a lovely princess!
I have one question though..."do 'real' princess-es drink Coke??" (they probably do!)

Then Saturday morning, the Taylor family watched Alex play his first basketball game. He is participating in Upwards Basketball through our church. He is on a team called the Rockets, and he has a great coach! Coach Jim does an amazing job teaching the game, and being an example to those little guys.
The Rockets have a boy on their team that has special needs. Joey loves his team! Joey practices with them, and during the game yesterday, they had him throw the ball into the game a couple of times. Alex and the other guys are so good to him, and it warmed my heart to see his excitement and smile when he got to play!
The Rockets didn't win yesterday, but they competed well, and gave it their all! The game ended at 24-18.
Go Rockets!

Please excuse the blurriness in some of the camera doesn't do "action" well!


Lucydolls' ramblings said...

Well I didn't think Ringlets and Basketball went together but in Kyras world they do. You and Rose did an awesome job, she looked so beautiful and made a georgeous princess.