Thursday, January 10, 2008

Living Backwards...

Tonight, as a family, we watched a movie on the Hallmark Channel called, "Charlie and Me". Ashley had seen the previews for it, and has been looking forward to watching it.

Charlie is 12 year old Casey's dear "gramp", and he is dying with heart failure. The story is about his last days, and how he and Casey make the most of every moment, and the people they love.

Charlie makes a comment toward the end..."I think this 'living backwards' was a pretty good way to live...I have lived as if this (earth) was heaven, and now I am going Home!"

So, with that in mind....I sit here tonight with a cup of coffee and my thoughts.
All three of our children are snuggled into their warm beds and Duane is watching "politics" on Fox News.
But me, I am drawn to reflect on this thought of "living backwards", and since I think best in written (or typed word), I decided to blog.

Now, we know that in all actuality, this earth is the farthest thing from Heaven. It takes a whole 10 seconds of watching the news or the Presidential debates (sorry Jamie), and it is clear that sin has taken it's toll on our world!

I think what Charlie was saying was, he had lived his life to the fullest!
He had loved deeply, found joy in simple things, respected others, gave all he could give. He took time to play, sang songs in the night, planted tulip bulbs for the joy of seeing what happened in the Spring! He looked for the good in all things and all people.
His life had been a good one, and now he could go Home!

I felt like singing the Hallelujah Chorus, when Charlie said that!
I want to be able to say it too, when I reach the end of my days! I want to look behind me, and know for sure that I lived well, despite the hard and painful times!
So, when I think about how I plan to do really do dawns on me that maybe it is just a way of life, and not something that I can fabricate.
Maybe as I said in my New Year's post, it is about being, not doing!

With that in mind, I will begin by being joyful, and gentle, and peaceful, and playing, and laughing, and sharing, and giving, and loving unconditionally....just being the girl who God created me to be!
Something tells me, that when you live as you were created to live, everything else just falls into place.

Just my thoughts...........Goodnight!


Jamie said...

Good post Sheila! And don't worry, even your "political junkie" sister-in-law knows that the answers are not found in the presidential candidates...not hardly!! :) I too want to live my life in such a way that matters for eternity, not the here and now. I've been thinking along the same lines, actually. I'm amazed at how fast our lives go by, and I want to make it count for Christ... not focusing on earthly things, but how I can make a difference for Him.
Love you lots,