Sunday, January 6, 2008


Webster defines a hero as a person, who in the opinion of others, has heroic qualities, or has preformed a heroic act and is regarded as a model or ideal.

Usually at some point in each of our lives, we are afforded the privilege of having or knowing a true hero. That special individual, who at just the right moment, says or does something, that will forever impact you and may even change the course of your entire life.

Tonight, after many years, I had the joy of wrapping my arms around such a hero. His name is Don. He is a very old man now, but 20 years ago, he single-handedly changed the course of my life.

After crawling though some of the deepest, darkest places in my life and not thinking I could go on, I found myself sitting across from this retired Nazarene pastor; in his office. Don became my counselor, and for several months, he gave me a safe place to be and bear my heart. He listened to me, spoke honestly to me, shared God's word with me, and with tears running down his face, he prayed for me!

I have always thought back to that time in my life, with deep appreciation for this man. Please don't misunderstand, I know that God is ultimately the one who carried me through those days, but He used this Godly man in an extremely powerful way! I will never forget the day, that Don told me that God could still use my life for His glory, and not only that, but He already had a beautiful plan for me, and all I had to do was accept His love and healing. That was a turning point for me, because I did just that! I opened my heart to be healed, and forever changed!

I have seen Don around town once or twice over the last 20 years, but have never had a chance to really tell him what he did for me, and thank him for being God's man, and my hero! But I did that tonight!
He thanked me, and after introducing him to my family, he looked me in the eyes, and said, "It is a beautiful thing to see God's grace at work in your life, Sheila! I am so proud of you!"
I have to say, those words shot all the way to the core of me, and it took all I had to keep my composure.
I do give ALL of the praise to God! I will say that it is by the grace and mercy of a loving God, that I am where I am today!

I am pretty sure that Don will never see this, but I know that one day, he will stand before His God, and hear Him say, "Well done, my faithful servant".....and I will wholeheartedly agree!


julie f said...

What a sweet tribute to this man God used in your life!

You have been through rough waters, but have come through shining, girl!!!

Have a wonderful day!