Monday, October 29, 2007

Autumn Abundance!

Multi-colored fall leaves blanketing the ground, crisp air, hot-buttery dinner rolls, apple pie, cups full of strong coffee, pumpkins, leaves in our hair, rakes, wagons, coats, brown shirts, family, friends, laughing children, an old owl in Grandpa's pine tree, a flag-pole raising....A peaceful Autumn Sunday at Grandma Sue's.

Autumn is my favorite time of year! I want to spend some of my evenings wrapped in a quilt, reading a book, and sipping a cup of chai tea. Other times, I want to just go to a high school football game, and watch Aaron from the bleachers. Before I know it, I will be a football mom watching Alex. Yeah!

Today in school, the little girls were making a color-rubbing craft with fall leaves, and I shared with them that the leaves have to fall from the tree, in order for the tree to sleep for the winter, and wake up next spring ready to be clothed with green leaves again. The new leaves can't come unless the old ones fall off.
Isn't that true with our lives? I know that it is in mine. Christ wants to clothe me with His new robe of grace, mercy and hope, but first I must take off the old tattered clothes of despair, anger & bitterness. I tried to put that into little girl language and explain it to Nikki and Alyssa.

Here are a few pictures that capture our day at Grandma's.


julie f said...

Beautiful pictures, capturing the moments.

It was sure fun to see you guys this past weekend.

Have a wonderful week!

Love ya!

Kristi said...

How fun! What a bunch of beautiful kids! Not to mention beautiful expressions of joy!

Love you!

Jamie said...

Love the pictures....looks fun!!

Cher said...

We had so much fun! I'm glad you got so many pictures; I'm anxious to go through them again!
Love ya!