Friday, August 24, 2007


Well, our boarders, Aaron and Cher are gone...again. They moved into their new home today.

I just went out and pulled the little chain to light up the neon "vacancy" sign (not really).

We have a 5 week gap, and then our next boarders will be moving in. They arrive from Australia on Oct. 6th.

Yes, I am going to miss my brother and his family. They are sooo easy to keep! I told Cher that they need to come and stay with us once in awhile, so we don't get too lonely. Nikki will miss the sleepovers, and constant playmates, but Alyssa and Kenlee are only 3 miles away.

Blessings to Aaron and Cher, as they unpack and set up house in their new "big" home (see pictures)!
I already miss you!


Lucydolls' ramblings said...

Party!!!!!! Tell Cher, we need a Party NOW!!!!

julie f said...

So nice to catch up with what you've been up to! I've missed seeing you! We returned from Montana late Monday night and have been fighting the flu bug ever since.

I'm so glad Aaron and Cher are getting settled in and what an answer to prayer that all is! I hope we can see them often!

Hope to see you tomorrow...Have a great evening.

Love ya!