Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Women of Faith 2008


"And God is able to make grace abound to you, that always having all sufficiency in everything, you may have an abundance for every good deed."
11 Corinthians 9:8

I have been asked to review the conference speakers and musicians for those who where not able to attend this year, so I thought I would share that with everyone. It was an amazing conference!! Every year I say that, and every year, it gets better!

This years speakers were:

Patsy Clairmont
Marilyn Meberg
Sheila Walsh
Nicole Johnson
Sandi Patty
Steve Arterburn
Louise Duart

The Musical Artists were:

Nicole C. Mullen

Sandy Patty:
Her talk this year was about Layers and it is also the title of her newest book.
We wear the layers of shame and guilt and the mask of Christian Perfection. God wants to peel away those layers, and replace them with blessings.
Sandy says that every day, she chooses to believe God is who He says that He is! She shared how God is teaching her to accept the forgiveness in her life and that he doesn't want her to cover up her pain, but get it out into the light, where He can heal her!
She ended by singing, "My Tribute" as only Sandi Patty can!!!!

Sheila Walsh:
Sheila's book and speech this year where titled, Get Off Your Knees and Pray.
She says, "I've always shied away from this topic, as I really stink at prayer!" But she has come to realize that "every sound we utter, every thank you we say, every tear we cry in God's presence is prayer."
She shared a story about finding resolution with the death of her father (he died when she was 9 years old), just this last year. God spoke to her heart, telling her that He was with her father at his time of death, and He was with her, when it happened!
In Christ's humanity, he showed us where to go, to fall apart. He went to his father! And then he trusted his Father's heart.
She now approaches each new day with a question of God: "Where are You going today? Because I am going with You!"

Nichole Johnson also did three drama's/sketches:
Three Ring Circus...our life is like a circus, and God longs to bring his peace to us!
Losing My Mind....who took my mind? Was is the dog, the kids, my husband.....? my tongue responsible for setting fires? James 3:6

The next morning, we were treated to worship from the Women of Faith Worship Team. There is just something about participating in worship and praise along with 12, 000 women! It always makes me think that it will be a little bit like that in Heaven, but oh so much more!!

Patsy Clairmont:
Patsy always makes me roar with laughter!! She is so witty and for an old grandma, has a lot of spunk!
She told the Biblical account of the lady who had an infirmity, and it caused her to hunch over. She believed in Jesus, and he healed her. She spoke on the grace that God gives us so freely. She said, "Grace takes the lid off of the box, so God can pour himself in."
She went on to share a story about her dearest friend who is fighting cancer right now. Patsy asked God to give her something from the Bible that her friend could hang onto...a promise. She said that the promise that God gave her was "Let there be light!" You can watch Patsy tell the story here.

Steve Arterburn from New Life Ministries is the one who started Women of Faith 12 years ago, and he was there to share with us.
He spoke on the topic, "Healing is a Choice."
Grieving is a decision to heal our future. God doesn't want to waste an ounce of our pain! We have to get rid of the things that make us sick and ineffective and choose to receive God's grace! Bold moves produce change!

Marilyn Meberg: Love Me, Never Leave Me
Marilyn spoke on Abandonment, and the fear of it! There is a difference in 'being left' and 'being abandoned'. Left is when someone is going to come back for you, most likely. Abandonment is when you have been left for good.
When you feel like you have been ditched, you feel shame and hide it from others! Abandonment is a branding of the soul. When you have been abandoned, you tend to avoid connection.
She also touched on healthy relationships vs. unhealthy relationships. She shared 1 Corinthians 3:16-17:
You realize, don't you, that you are the temple of God, and God himself is present in you? No one will get by with vandalizing God's temple, you can be sure of that. God's temple is sacred—and you, remember you, are the temple!

A new comer to WOF was Louise Duart.
She was hilarious, sharing her impressions of many famous people. But she also shared with us her testimony about how God showed up in her life!! She spoke on God Winks...those times when God is letting you know that he loves you and that he is there!

Mandisa was there and was she ever there!! She shared her testimony of God's divine direction in her life, and sang her heart out!

Nicole C. Mullen was there as well. I have heard her on the radio, and love her music! But I didn't have a clue how much this girl loves God, and lives her life not only making music but making a difference in the lives of others. She is heading up outreach ministries for kids in Nashville, and has adopted three or four kids as well as the three she has with her husband. She is out to change her world for Jesus!!!!

She sang the following songs (and several more).....
Call on Jesus


One Touch

There is really no way to really portray to you on this blog, exactly how amazing this conference was! I wish that I could load everyone up and let them experience it for themselves! God spoke to me through EVERY single we had a blast being together!

Tomorrow I will blog about the trip with 9 of my friends...and post some pictures!


Anonymous said...

Wait, Wait, would you repeat that? You were talking so fast...... LOL
Sorry everyone, I just had to say it!
Thanks for writing this all out for us! It is refreshing to read it again and again. Steve Arterburn's speech is still speaking to me!
I love you and had a blast with you!
Thanks for being such a wonderful friend!
Love you tons!