Monday, January 21, 2008

Our weekend.....

This last Friday, we made the two hour trek across the dessert to Twin Falls. We have friends, The Haight's, who so graciously opened their home for our weekend stay.

Kevin had recently broken his knee-cap, and so he was pretty much "out of commission". We enjoyed dinner out, and then a movie marathon on Friday. Then on Saturday, Anita took me shopping to an amazing store called Real Deals. Trust me on this is worth the time! We also spent 2 1/2 hours combing through the clearance racks at Old Navy.

We worshiped with them on Sunday morning, at their church, Twin Falls Nazarene. Unfortunately their pastor was on the "Extreme '08" to Argentina, so their Youth Pastor filled in. He shared a wonderful sermon about living together in community within the Body of Christ. It was challenging!

My cousin Justin (who is attending College of Southern Idaho), sat beside is in church, and then came over to the Haight's for an amazing lunch of Anita's Lasagna, salad and bread!
It was great to see Justin! He is such a neat kid, and after all, I am his favorite cousin! He even told me I am looking younger! (I think he just may be my favorite cousin now too!)

Ashley, Alex and Nikki all had a blast with their friends, Courtney, Kayla and Ashley! Nikki spent most of the weekend, with her arms wrapped around Tucker, the family dog. I think he might have to sleep for a few days to recover from her chasing him around saying, "Tucker, come here boy". I will say that he was very gentle and tolerant.

Leroy gave us a fashion show with some of his favorite hats. He loves to have his picture taken!

Thank You Kevin and Anita for the nice time! We love you!


Kristi said...

Sheila- It looks like you all have been having a wonderful past few days! It is so fun to get out in the snow and play.

That is neat that you were able to spend the weekend with Anita and her family.

I hope this finds you all doing well.

Love, Kristi