Monday, November 12, 2007


This morning, my heart is filled to the brim with gratitude for the daily-ness of life!

Last week, one of my aunt's friends, died after fighting a long, hard battle with cancer.
This morning, I read were my friend, Sandy's husband asked for us to pray for a miracle for her. Because, that is all that is left to rid her body of the ravages of act of God.
A couple weeks ago, a great guy that I went to school with years ago, suffered an aneurysm, and then a stroke. Joel, who with a lot of hard work is getting better, but he cannot speak, and the probability of him ever supporting his family is slim.
Rick, Duane's cousin, has a brain tumor. He needs help from those who love him best to just get through his day.
Tina, Sandy, Joel and Rick all have young children. Children who are suffering deeply with the loss of a parent they once knew and now need so greatly. They also have spouses and family members who would give anything to see them doing everyday things.

All of these, have caused me to stop and realize that, I am at this point in my life blessed beyond measure! I so often find myself grumbling about what all I have to do. But at least I have the ability to do them...because I'm here.

I am healthy, my lungs, heart and brain all work as they should.
I wake up each morning and turn on the "Open" sign for Sheila's Diner. I make coffee, hot cocoa, toast, oatmeal, eggs, cereal....or whatever else is asked for.
I get dressed, make sure Nikki brushes her teeth, and Alex takes all the garbage out. I remind Ashley to bring her laundry downstairs, and do our morning dishes. I open the door for Alyssa, (who is arriving for school).
I walk without help, up my stairs where I start school. We pray, sing, and pledge to the flag. We talk about the earth's latitudes and what makes up the electromagnetic spectrum; how to factor numbers and find percentages. We memorize 30 sight words, and learn about root-words and suffixes. We know what silver is the best conductor of electricity, and that James Oglethorpe was the founder of Georgia.
After school is finished we have lunch, and then I start load after load of laundry. I run errands and take Ashley or Alex to the eye doctor, or I take myself to another dentist appointment, for another filling. I come home and prepare supper for my family, wash more dishes, and then do whatever the evening has in store. We bundle kids into bed, say prayers, and whisper, Goodnight-I love you". Duane and I hang out for a couple of hours, and then we collapse into bed, knowing that when we wake up, we will do it all over again!

Why am I grateful for all of these things that drain me dry? Because it means that I am here! I have feet to walk and hands to hold. I have arms to comfort, and ears to hear.
My husband has a way of providing for his family, and the health and initiative to do it everyday!
Because I'm here, I can prepare a meal for my family; I can wash their clothes. Because I am here, I can take my children to their many appointments. Because I'm here, Duane and I have the ability to sit and talk about what we are doing, facing or struggling with.

The daily-ness of life means we have life!
That is what I am thankful for today!


jenny said...

My sentiments exactly. We are so blessed while I, too, have watched too many friends/family going through intense physical struggles. They have inspired me with the way they have responded to God's grace in the shadows they have to walk through.

Cara said...

Your blog put into words things that I have thought so many times. Why do I get down and drained when my life is so simple compared to many others? I am so thankful for my blessings and I pray that God will pour out his grace on those who are facing intense struggles.

Kristi said...


I completely and utterly agree. Thank you for putting in to words what my heart feels!

