Thursday, November 29, 2007

Christmas Confession

Each year at this time, I am in full swing shopping mode! I am busy decorating, and planning my holiday menus.
I am doing, and doing, and doing....but I fail to "be".
Looking back at the Christmas holidays, since I have been married, I recognize that this season is a dreaded time of year for me.
Don't get me wrong, I love Christmas. I love all the sights, sounds and smells. But when I stop long enough to think about it, I am so busy, that I rarely enjoy what I should be enjoying.
Those of you who know me well, know that I like things to be beautiful and breathtaking! But in my drive to have my house look like it should be in Better Homes and Gardens, I lose the joy of Christmas. I really do!
I hate that we have made it all about what we are getting for gifts. I despise CHRISTMAS LISTS! (I really do! I see my kids seething with greed every year, and it makes me sad!)

Due to several conversations and reflections, I have determined that things are changing this year. So, the question that I ask myself, several times a day, is:
"When our children look back on Christmas, what do I want them to remember?"

I want them to remember the following:

  • That the gift of a baby in a manger to this world, was and still is the greatest gift ever given!
  • That although it is fun to receive a gift, it is so much more rewarding to give to someone who has so much less then they do.
  • That mom let them be a part of making their home fun and festive, but also cozy and warm.
  • That making a mess, while measuring and mixing dough for pies, is part of the joy of being with mom in the kitchen!
So, in the spirit of what I have written, I allowed the kids to put the tree up, and while mom did the white lights, and red-berry garland, they did the rest. I must admit that it warms my heart to gaze at the tree late at night, and realize that my children made it beautiful!
Tonight, we are going to be making a family craft that we will use to decorate with. I will post a picture of it when we are done. It will celebrate the real reason for Christmas: JESUS!
This year for my mother's extended family Christmas, we are not doing the gift-exchange game (hallelujah!), but instead we are going together to help a sweet family, that is desperately without this year!
For our Christmas with Mom, Bob, Matt, Kristi, Aaron, Cher and kids, we are not doing gifts this year either. We are going to take what we would normally spend, and help someone else have Christmas. Then we are going to make some new, fun traditions, for when we are together.

I will admit that while it is hard to change "the way we have always done it", I feel so at peace in my heart. Each family member is so excited for what Christmas will hold for us this year!
Bottom line: this family has enough!! God has blessed us, beyond what we could ever ask for.

Merry Christmas!


Lucydolls' ramblings said...

That is awesome.

Have a blessed Merry Christmas!

Cher said...

Aaron and I feel this so strongly! I am so thankful that we can all just enjoy being together making fun memories and being able to bless others as well. We are enjoying the Christmas season already!
I love you!