Thursday, September 13, 2007

Writing On Their Heart's Slate

A wise person (Dr. Phil) has said "Everyday that you parent your child, you are writing on the slate of their heart".
I heard him say that today, after having a deep discussion with Alex, last night. He was having a hard time with something in his life, and Duane and I were able to talk him through it, and then pray with him. When I think on it, in light of Dr. Phil's quote, it makes me really pause and think about the impact Duane and I have on our children all the time.

Everything I teach my children, whether through my words or through my actions, is being inscribed on the slate of their hearts. They will carry it throughout their lives.

I have many BIG things that I want to teach my children with the help of God:

  1. I want them to see that Mom and Dad really love Jesus, and it shows!
  2. I want them to know that Jesus loves them for who they are RIGHT NOW! They don't need to pretend to be someone more worthy, or more holy.....
  3. I want them to get GRACE! I don't want them to be at the age of 34, and finally understand it. I want them to know early on, that Grace is nothing but a gift from their loving Heavenly Father, offered to them freely. IT IS NOTHING THEY CAN EARN OR DO ON THEIR OWN! (It will save them A LOT of grief, to understand this concept early in life!)
  4. I want to teach them through my actions and words to turn around and offer grace to everyone around them. If God so freely gives it to us, why wouldn't we offer it to those around us?
  5. I want to teach my kids that sometimes people say and do mean things, and that it may make us feel like we are not good enough, or pretty enough, or smart enough...but that God loves us, NO MATTER WHAT OTHERS THINK! Only listen to the good things, and leave all the mean things at the foot of the cross.
  6. I want to teach my kids LOVE. Not just surface love, but unconditional love. A love that goes beyond status, position, and money. I want them to truly love others, as Jesus loves them!
  7. I want to teach my kids how to be a true friend. My true friends are my lifeline!
  8. I want to teach them to be kind and compassionate always!
  9. I want to teach them to be helpful. If someone is in need of help, jump at the chance to be the Hand of God extended.
  10. I want to teach my kids boundaries. I want them to know that it is good to sometimes say "No". It is easy to get bogged down, with all the things we "think" we must do, but there are times when it is healthy for them and others, to draw a respectful line at "No".
  11. I want to teach them to stand for TRUTH! No matter if is popular or not!
  12. I want my kids to learn to be real! I want my girls to be the loving, beautiful girls that God made them to be. I want Alex to be an honorable, strong boy who faithfully follows Christ.
I could go on and with any mother out there, I want to do my best with my children. I pray that the twelve things I mentioned above, will be truths that I write on their heart's slates, through the way I live my life.
"Please, Dear Father, give me wisdom and guidance!"


jenny said...

Well said, Sheila! That is inspiring me to think (and record) what God is calling us as parents to inscribe on our children's hearts. I am not a good journaler but want to become better. What a gift to your kids (and us) to record these.