Saturday, October 18, 2008

Becoming a Doula

Doula.....A non-medical assistant in childbirth. A doula is not the father but is a woman who is experienced in childbirth. The role of the doula is to provide the mother with physical and emotional assistance before, during, or after childbirth. Also known as a birth assistant, birth companion, childbirth assistant, or labor support professional.

I am in the beginning process of becoming just what you read above! I have been doing a lot of research, reading and praying, as I decide if this is where God is leading me! It is all very much in the "new" phase, and I have much to do, to actually become a professional Doula.

In my lifetime, I have attended eight births, and had three of my own! That does not make me a pro, but it does confirm that this is something that I REALLY want to do! I recently attended the birth of a very close friend, and was absolutely certain that I was right were I should be!

There are several doors currently opening for me, and today I found out that I am going to be attending another birth in about 5 weeks...only this time, it will be a training experience for me! I will actually be working along-side a Certified Doula.

If you think about it, just help me pray that it will all work out for God's glory. I want to be a vessel that He can use, no matter what it is I am doing!
I must say that I am excited!


Bianca said...

I believe in doulas 100%! I had one for my labor/deliever, it was wonderful. Scott didn't have to worry about "couching" me, he just enjoyed it. That is wonderful that you are becoming one! God bless!

Cara said...

How exciting for you Sheila. I think your personality fits very well with the doula profession. What a wonderful opportunity to be there when a new person enters the world!

julie f said...

I am so excited for you!!! A dream come true! You were excellent with us and we were blessed to have you in the room. Your "chattiness" helped the day go faster and you have great discernment as to the dad's involvement. I love your calm spirit and encouragemnet when it got "hard"!
Let us know how it all goes!!
Love ya!

Anonymous said...

I am so excited for you Sheila! You are so calm and helpful in stressful situations! It is so awesome to watch God lead and guide you every step of the way!
I love you!