Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Clean Closets!

I have this issue in my house! If it can be hidden behind a door, it may get ignored for awhile. It seems to be about making the "outside" look good, and not always worrying about what is on the "inside".
I pray that I never again let that be the case with my heart, but it is the case in my home.

So, I have been working on it by reading a book called, Simplify Your Space. It is helping me learn that less is always more, and that having things where they belong, makes the home function in a way that reduces stress!
Last week I found these great containers at Target, in the "college" section. Everything was 75-80% off, so I got them for 2.00-3.00 each! I didn't care that they were intended for college rooms...they work just like all the others!

Here are the before and after pictures of my master bathroom closet. This closet had become the entire family's it is clean and functions much better! I am getting inspired to do this with all the hidden places!



Marcus and Julie said...

Looks great!!! You may have just inspired me to do something like this!!

Cara said...


Funny girl. I am the opposite. My cupboard will be perfectly straight, but there will be a big mess on my counter tops! I will look at the stuff and tell myself that I need to keep it out so that I can work on it--tomorrow! lol! Organizing takes a lot of energy! But I love working on it. Thanks for the inspiration.