Thursday, June 5, 2008

When I was was a very good year!

I have just had a stunning, amazing revelation occur to me! I find myself so blown away that it never occurred to me before this moment!!

For a small snippet of background.....
I, along with six other gals, began a Beth Moore Bible Study yesterday, led my my sister-in-law, Talisha. We are studying the "Psalms of the Ascent" in a series entitled, Stepping Up.

So, back to my story.....
I was doing today's homework just moments ago, and was having to answer the question, "How long has my journey with God been, thus far?"
I had to stop and figure it up. I was fourteen...that was twenty-two years ago! So, I answered the question with the number "22".

The next question was "How did it begin?"
I got on my knees beside my bed and with no one around, I asked Jesus to forgive me and redeem me. I was desperate!!

My life was a mess, and I was a mess!
I had just spent twelve of my fourteen years being hurt by someone who was supposed to love me, not ever hurt me!
My parents were life was in ashes!! I was at the end of myself!

I felt like I had no one I could turn to...looking back, I can see how God was drawing me toward himself! That was probably the first time I can remember visualizing God picking me up, setting me on his lap, and wrapping his BIG arms around me!
I still use that visual when I need his Holy comfort!

So, my revelation tonight was this........

The abuse stopped and my journey with Christ began, both--when I was 14!

For some of you, that may be a "Wake up, Sheila" moment. But I have never put those two events together! As separate events, I have always known how old I was....but never has it dawned on me the significance of... "A lifetime of pain ending and a new life beginning" almost at the very same moment!
My Pain intersecting with His Joy...My Shame intersecting with His Salvation--WOW!

That revelation/breakthrough caused me to praise tonight, and this song came to my heart!!!

By the way....I stood outside my 14 year old, Ashley's, bedroom tonight, and heard her reading out-loud her John 3:16 for Teen's book, by Max Lucado...and I stood there and praised God, that she is already on her own personal journey with Christ!

The sinful cycle of abuse, that defined my childhood.....HAS ENDED!! My children will not suffer with that pain! HALLELUJAH!!


Lucydolls' ramblings said...

Sheila ~ Praise God! I am trying to see through my tears. I love you girlfriend

Your "wonderful" Aunt Lisa!

Kristi said...


Isn't God good? You know, there is an analogy of a cross-stitch, how it is messy on the back side, but beautiful on the front? Well, the analogy goes that that is what our lives look like to us here, the messy back side, but when we get to heaven, we will see how God worked all things together for our good and the beautiful "cross-stitch" of our lives. Thank you for sharing.



Cher said...

Sheila, that was beautifully written! What an amazing thought! I am thrilled how God has worked in your life and gave you an amazing testimony!
I love you!