Wednesday, September 26, 2007

A must read!

I have just started reading a new book called, "The Good Nearby", by Nancy Moser.

I am only on the second chapter, and already know this is going to be an amazing book!
I am planning to announce this book as our November read for my "Lit and Latte" book group.

This is the story of a little girl, abandoned by her parents, left with nothing to hold onto, except for the memories of a grandmother's love, and the belief that someday, she will have the chance to do something really important.

Here is an excerpt from the first chapter....

"...I felt her shake her head, then hold me extra close. 'I may not have money to give you, child, but know this: I love you more than anyone in the world, and I want you to know you're special. You're going to do something important someday. It may not change the entire world, but it'll change the world to the people around you. You'll be the good nearby.'
'The what?'
'The good nearby. People don't realize good is closer than they think. Good people. Good things. And chances to do good.' 'The good nearby. That's you, Gigi. I know it!"

Happy Reading!


Lucydolls' ramblings said...

Well thanks alot, now I want to read this book also. I have a stack I need to get started or finish as it is. Sounds great tho.

jenny said...

lucydoll said it sentiments exactly!