The kids and I dug in and dressed our halls for Holidays.
The craft that we did was simple, but it gave us a chance to sit around the table and talk about the gift of Christmas: Jesus. We each wrote with a black marker, one of the letters of His Name. Then we framed each one separately. We arranged it on the coffee table and placed Joseph, Mary and Baby Jesus around.
Then the girls set up the Christmas Village. I thought they did a beautiful job, with just a little help from mom.
The kids are in the process of taking any left over decor, and decking their rooms. How fun!
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Deck the Halls!
Posted by SheilaDy at Thursday, November 29, 2007 4 comments
Christmas Confession
Each year at this time, I am in full swing shopping mode! I am busy decorating, and planning my holiday menus.
I am doing, and doing, and doing....but I fail to "be".
Looking back at the Christmas holidays, since I have been married, I recognize that this season is a dreaded time of year for me.
Don't get me wrong, I love Christmas. I love all the sights, sounds and smells. But when I stop long enough to think about it, I am so busy, that I rarely enjoy what I should be enjoying.
Those of you who know me well, know that I like things to be beautiful and breathtaking! But in my drive to have my house look like it should be in Better Homes and Gardens, I lose the joy of Christmas. I really do!
I hate that we have made it all about what we are getting for gifts. I despise CHRISTMAS LISTS! (I really do! I see my kids seething with greed every year, and it makes me sad!)
Due to several conversations and reflections, I have determined that things are changing this year. So, the question that I ask myself, several times a day, is:
"When our children look back on Christmas, what do I want them to remember?"
I want them to remember the following:
- That the gift of a baby in a manger to this world, was and still is the greatest gift ever given!
- That although it is fun to receive a gift, it is so much more rewarding to give to someone who has so much less then they do.
- That mom let them be a part of making their home fun and festive, but also cozy and warm.
- That making a mess, while measuring and mixing dough for pies, is part of the joy of being with mom in the kitchen!
Tonight, we are going to be making a family craft that we will use to decorate with. I will post a picture of it when we are done. It will celebrate the real reason for Christmas: JESUS!
This year for my mother's extended family Christmas, we are not doing the gift-exchange game (hallelujah!), but instead we are going together to help a sweet family, that is desperately without this year!
For our Christmas with Mom, Bob, Matt, Kristi, Aaron, Cher and kids, we are not doing gifts this year either. We are going to take what we would normally spend, and help someone else have Christmas. Then we are going to make some new, fun traditions, for when we are together.
I will admit that while it is hard to change "the way we have always done it", I feel so at peace in my heart. Each family member is so excited for what Christmas will hold for us this year!
Bottom line: this family has enough!! God has blessed us, beyond what we could ever ask for.
Merry Christmas!
Posted by SheilaDy at Thursday, November 29, 2007 2 comments
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Weekend in the Mountains
We had a wonderful Thanksgiving Day! We had a nice breakfast with my dad at Aaron and Cher's, and then we headed out to Murphy.
We spent the rest of the day there eating, relaxing, and playing games.
The next morning, we packed up the van, and headed up to the family cabin in Donnelly. We met Duane's parents, and Marc, Talisha and children there.
We were hoping that it would give us a chance to play in the snow, but we were out of luck! We did have a very relaxing weekend though! We sadly watched BSU lose, ate breakfast at The Pancake House, shopped at one Christmas store, helped the kids do crafts....just chilled out!
We took our Christmas card picture this morning, thanks to Talisha.
It was a delightful weekend!
If you get the chance to see the movie, Amazing Grace, don't pass it up. I have to say that it is one of the best movies I have ever seen!
Posted by SheilaDy at Sunday, November 25, 2007 1 comments
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
I am thankful for:
- My Husband, Duane...who still makes my heart race!
- Our Children, Ashley, Alex & Nichole...who give us something to smile about every moment of the day!
- Our Families (way too many to name!)...each one of you contribute so much to our lives!
- Our Home...abundantly blessed!
- Our Vehicles...dependable and paid for!
- Every material need supplied...yes, we have wants, but our needs are met!
- Our health...we are a healthy bunch! Hallelujah!
- Our Friends...what would we do without them! I think we have the greatest friends EVER!
- Our Church & Pastoral Team...God is good and wise! He knew just what we needed, just when we needed it! Thank you Wiseman's, Martin's, Deim's, Wade's and Snyder's!
- Our Small Group...the Nalley's, Tilford's, West's and Foster's! Your hearts are so full of love and you make it easy for us to be your leaders!
- For Salvation and Grace...this gift of sacrifice that God has given me and my family, is the greatest gift of all!
Today, I was in Walmart, checking out, when the cashier, Tammy, struck up a conversation about tomorrow. We chatted for a bit, and she told me that she was sick today (her coughing and hacking indicated that what she told me was true!), but that she couldn't miss a day of work, because her husband was laid off from his job. She told me that it was hard to be in that situation through the holidays. She has one 16 year old son, but he lives with his dad. It is going to just be her and her husband tomorrow, and she went on and on.......As she bagged and I loaded the cart, I had the opportunity to share with her, that she is loved and cared for by God. She told me that she knew she was, but that it is hard sometimes to believe it in her head. I assured her, that even if she didn't feel it, God still loved her. She and I fought back tears, and I prayed a quick prayer with her that God would heal her body, and fill her heart with peace.
She thanked me, wished me a happy Thanksgiving; I returned the wishes, and I walked out.
I realized that God had given me that moment in Walmart, to remind me that there is a great, big world full of Tammy's. Hurting, lonely, aching, sick......
I got in the van, and prayed all the way home, that God would be so real in Tammy's life, and that she would know beyond a shadow of a doubt that He loved her!
Happy Thanksgiving to all of you!
Posted by SheilaDy at Wednesday, November 21, 2007 0 comments
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Two Bakers Baking
Yesterday, Ashley and Nikki baked Chocolate Chip Cookies. They actually baked only two dozen, then we saved the rest of the dough for our trip to the cabin this weekend. They had fun, and the cookies were so yummy!
Posted by SheilaDy at Tuesday, November 20, 2007 0 comments
Monday, November 19, 2007
Fun Family Weekend!
I am finding it hard to think about the great weekend we had, in light of what my friend, Deanna and her family are going through. While we played and partied, they said "goodbye" to someone so precious and dear to them. So, I gave it some thought, and realized that it is so true that "life goes on." Sandy spent her life well, and she would want all of us to keep living life. So, in honor of her, I will make every second count!
We did have a great weekend!
On Friday night, we went to Aaron and Cher's for lasagna. Shawn and Mary were there, and we had a great time! The lasagna was a treat too!
Then on Saturday we chilled. Alyssa and Kenlee came to spend the day with us. Alex and Duane fixed a yummy cowboy breakfast of hashbrowns, sausage, eggs and cheese. It was delicious! We spent most of the late morning/afternoon watching Boise State win yet another game!!! It was a good game!
It was Kenlee's birthday, so she chose toasted cheese sandwiches and brownies for lunch. We stuck four candles in her brownies, and sang "Happy Birthday." She was a happy girl! After lunch, the girls went outside and collected leaves. You can see here that the leaves became pom-poms, and the girls became cheerleaders. Such fun!
That evening, Duane took me out to dinner...just me! We went to one of our favorite places-McGrath's. (Yes, Aaron, we went to seafood!)
Duane and I really enjoyed just focusing on each other, and sharing some much needed quiet time (adult conversation is a necessity for this "at-home 24/7 mom"!)
We woke up to a cloudy Sunday morning, but our hearts were full of joy! Sunday has become our family's favorite day of the week! I am sad to say, that this hasn't always been the case. We wasted many Sundays being stressed out! Now, we wake up at 8 a.m., or should I say, we sleep-in until 8 a.m.? Then we have a simple family breakfast together...usually monkey bread or orange rolls. We leave for church at 10:00, for the service at 11:00. We arrive to church around 10:20; just in time to sit, drink coffee and fellowship with our church family, before checking-in Alex & Nikki for their Kid's Worship/Small Groups. Ashley also heads up to Teen Worship.
Pastor Darrell has been going through Psalms 119, verse by verse. It has been so challenging and uplifting! This week, he preached on "Finding God/Good in Adversity"
One of the verses spoke volumes to me: Psalms 119:68---"You (God) are good, and what you do is good; teach me your decrees." Thank you God for your goodness, all the time!
We enjoyed having lunch with Robb and Julie French. It was Tucker's 3rd birthday. He is such a fun, adorable little guy!
Then we were off to Murphy, where my parents live. Around 4 pm, we started the process of Dutch Oven Cooking.
Dr. Gary Gregerson, the doctor that my mom worked for, and who is also the doctor who delivered Nikki, Alyssa and Kenlee, was coming out with his family for dinner. As a "thank you" for all the nice things he has done for our families, we wanted to fix him a special meal.
Aaron and Duane cranked out an Award-Winning Dutch-Oven meal of: Autumn Pork Chops, Ranch Potatoes, Corn, Cornbread and Blackberry Cobbler.
We had a great meal and a great time! They don't come much better than the Gregerson's!
As a side-note, Duane and Aaron are now for hire: "Two Dudes Cooking in Dutches". Just kidding!
Posted by SheilaDy at Monday, November 19, 2007 1 comments
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Sandy has gone Home!
My love and prayers go out tonight to the Plemons & Nusz families.
Sandy went to be with Jesus today at 3 o'clock. She went around and talked to each of her children, her husband, and the other family members that were there. Then she asked them to sing; she looked up to heaven and breathed her last.
"She has fought a good fight, she has finished her course, she has kept the faith: Henceforth there is laid up for her a crown of righteousness..."
I was privileged to have been a friend of Sandy's. Due to the fact that her sister, Deanna was my close friend, it was natural to think of Sandy as a friend too. I remember her gentle spirit, her quiet manner, and her passion for her family. She had a beautiful heart for others.
The last time I was around Sandy was at Steven and Dee's wedding. We were bridesmaids together, and we had a blast!
Sandy, I will miss you!
"Oh, just think of stepping on shore, and finding it heaven.
Of touching a hand, and finding it God's.
Of breathing new air, and finding it celestial.
Of waking up in Glory, and finding it Home."
Posted by SheilaDy at Sunday, November 18, 2007 0 comments
Saturday, November 17, 2007
We miss you, Michael!!!!
Today is the 8 year anniversary of the day that Michael Aman Patrick left our arms and went to be with Jesus in Heaven. He was a few days shy of his fourth birthday (November 20).
He has never left our hearts, and we still miss him tons!
He fought a hard, courageous battle with leukemia, and although in our eyes, he lost that battle, we know that Michael is with Jesus, and we will be with him there someday. So, really, he didn't lose, HE WON!
He was such a precious little guy. He was funny, friendly and mischievous. He ended up wrapping himself around everyone's heart. The gap he has left in our lives is huge, and he will forever be missed.
Dennis, Lisa, Crys and Kyra....the love that you showed Michael during his sickness, and the strength you have displayed in the last eight years, have been inspiring to say the least! I am challenged to be a better person because of it.
I love you all so much!
Posted by SheilaDy at Saturday, November 17, 2007 0 comments
Friday, November 16, 2007
Please Pray
I am asking all of you to please pray for the Plemons family & the Nusz family as they stand by Sandy right now.
Dee called me tonight, and she said that Sandy was so much worse today.
As you pray for those tending to Sandy, please pray that she will not be in pain. And more specifically please pray for her husband and her five darling children, who are suffering so deeply tonight.
HOME FREE (Wayne Watson)
I'm trying hard not to think you unkind
But Heavenly Father
If you know my heart
Surely you can read my mind
Good people underneath the sea of grief
Some get up and walk away
Some will find ultimate relief
Home Free, eventually
At the ultimate healing we will be Home Free
Home Free, oh I’ve got a feeling
At the ultimate healing
We will be Home Free
Out in the corridors we pray for life
A mother for her baby, A husband for his wife
Sometimes the good die young
It's sad but true
And while we pray for one more heartbeat
The real comfort is with you
You know pain has little mercy
And suffering's no respecter of age, of race or position
I know every prayer gets answered
But the hardest one to pray is slow to come
Oh Lord, not mine, but Thy will be done
Let it be...
Home Free, eventually
At the ultimate healing we will be Home Free
Home Free, oh I’ve got a feeling
At the ultimate healing
We will be Home Free
Posted by SheilaDy at Friday, November 16, 2007 0 comments
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Happy 4th Kenlee!
I have a busy weekend coming up, and I don't want to forget Little Miss Kenlee Dyan Horn's birthday wishes.
Kenlee is Aaron and Cher's youngest, and she came into our lives on November 17th. I am known as Aunt Dee Dee to her. And if you didn't notice, she and I have the same middle name (which makes me feel so special).
She is busy little gal and she has been three for a whole year, so that should explain about everything. She is a very sweet little girl, who loves to sing about God or whatever else is on her mind, and when we can get her to, can she reach heaven! She sounds like a little evangelist.
Happy Birthday, Kee Kee!
Uncle Duane, Aunt Dee Dee, Ashley, Alex and Nikki love you sooooo much!
Hugs and Kisses
Posted by SheilaDy at Wednesday, November 14, 2007 3 comments
Monday, November 12, 2007
This morning, my heart is filled to the brim with gratitude for the daily-ness of life!
Last week, one of my aunt's friends, died after fighting a long, hard battle with cancer.
This morning, I read were my friend, Sandy's husband asked for us to pray for a miracle for her. Because, that is all that is left to rid her body of the ravages of act of God.
A couple weeks ago, a great guy that I went to school with years ago, suffered an aneurysm, and then a stroke. Joel, who with a lot of hard work is getting better, but he cannot speak, and the probability of him ever supporting his family is slim.
Rick, Duane's cousin, has a brain tumor. He needs help from those who love him best to just get through his day.
Tina, Sandy, Joel and Rick all have young children. Children who are suffering deeply with the loss of a parent they once knew and now need so greatly. They also have spouses and family members who would give anything to see them doing everyday things.
All of these, have caused me to stop and realize that, I am at this point in my life blessed beyond measure! I so often find myself grumbling about what all I have to do. But at least I have the ability to do them...because I'm here.
I am healthy, my lungs, heart and brain all work as they should.
I wake up each morning and turn on the "Open" sign for Sheila's Diner. I make coffee, hot cocoa, toast, oatmeal, eggs, cereal....or whatever else is asked for.
I get dressed, make sure Nikki brushes her teeth, and Alex takes all the garbage out. I remind Ashley to bring her laundry downstairs, and do our morning dishes. I open the door for Alyssa, (who is arriving for school).
I walk without help, up my stairs where I start school. We pray, sing, and pledge to the flag. We talk about the earth's latitudes and what makes up the electromagnetic spectrum; how to factor numbers and find percentages. We memorize 30 sight words, and learn about root-words and suffixes. We know what silver is the best conductor of electricity, and that James Oglethorpe was the founder of Georgia.
After school is finished we have lunch, and then I start load after load of laundry. I run errands and take Ashley or Alex to the eye doctor, or I take myself to another dentist appointment, for another filling. I come home and prepare supper for my family, wash more dishes, and then do whatever the evening has in store. We bundle kids into bed, say prayers, and whisper, Goodnight-I love you". Duane and I hang out for a couple of hours, and then we collapse into bed, knowing that when we wake up, we will do it all over again!
Why am I grateful for all of these things that drain me dry? Because it means that I am here! I have feet to walk and hands to hold. I have arms to comfort, and ears to hear.
My husband has a way of providing for his family, and the health and initiative to do it everyday!
Because I'm here, I can prepare a meal for my family; I can wash their clothes. Because I am here, I can take my children to their many appointments. Because I'm here, Duane and I have the ability to sit and talk about what we are doing, facing or struggling with.
The daily-ness of life means we have life!
That is what I am thankful for today!
Posted by SheilaDy at Monday, November 12, 2007 3 comments
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Girls Must Go Out!
A week ago, Cher, Mom and Lisa were all celebrating birthday's. So, I organized a day out for them. Trina, Rose and I joined them for the festivities.
We started by going to a few Christmas Bazaars. Then we went to Heritage Reflections (Meridian) for their Holiday Open House.
After all the oooing and ahhing, we went to Johnny Carino's for an early dinner. We all thoroughly enjoyed our meals! We were a site to behold, as we hauled all the birthday gifts in. It was quite a party!
We then made our way to the Christian bookstore in Boise, were we showed each other books that we thought they should read. I found one for Cher, Trina, Mom and Lisa called "Learning To Love Your Loved Ones" It was a hoot, and we all walked away with more loot!
Then off to TJ Maxx to peruse the shelves...You should have been there to see the "fairy godmother" hat that I talked Rose into wearing. It was good for gut-wrenching laughter! (we girls need a good laugh every now and then!)
We ended our evening at Starbucks for an assortment of latte's and mocha's. We shared life and life how to hide a double chin for a picture. Good advice!
What a fun day!!
Posted by SheilaDy at Sunday, November 11, 2007 1 comments
Friday, November 9, 2007
Posted by SheilaDy at Friday, November 09, 2007 0 comments
Happy Birthday Kayla Amaya Aman!
Happy Birthday to my sweet cousin, Kayla!!
Kayla, You are such a free-spirited, fun-loving, steal-the-show type of girl! When you are around, life is far from dull.
My kids think that their cousin, Kayla is so cool! Thank you for how you love them, and make them feel special.
We hope you have a very happy birthday!
Duane , Sheila, Ash, Alex & Nikki
Posted by SheilaDy at Friday, November 09, 2007 1 comments
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Happy Birthday, Honey!!
Happy Birthday Grandma Honey!
My Grandma Virginia Aman became Grandma Honey to our family several years ago, and we owe it all to my cousin, Justin. When he was a tiny kid, he started copying Grandpa, when he would call out to "Honey". It stuck, and she is Honey to a lot of people.
She is an amazing grandma! She is my mom's mother, and that would explain why my own mom is such a wonderful person.
My many memories of grandma, are happy and warm. I loved going to Grandma's house! She created a home that was cozy & unhurried. I can remember that during the days of unrest in my own home, Grandma's house was a haven to me. I felt safe and loved there.
One of my favorite things to do was fill her big old tub with water, slip in up to my chin and then wash my hair with her Amway honey shampoo.
Then when I got out, I would brush my really long hair with her pink bristle brush.
Her kitchen was her throne room. From fried chicken, to dill pickles, to homemade yogurt, to strawberry jam in the little white Tupperware containers. She would make chocolate chip cookies, and then she would put them in the freezer...they were to die for!
Grandma had a room that she kept all of her canned food, and pantry items. She would let me play "General Store" in there. Amidst all the colorful jars of green beans, tomatoes, peaches and pears, I would imagine that I was the owner of a country store. I would tape prices tags to the jars, and fill baskets with potatoes to "sell". If I close my eyes and concentrate, I can smell the apples, potatoes, and onions stacked in burlap bags on the floor.
Grandma never complained about the way I constantly "re-arranged" her fruit room. Looking back, that was sweet of her allow me that pleasure.
I love you Honey! You are very special to me, and I am so thankful that God gave me you for a grandma.
Have a happy birthday!
Posted by SheilaDy at Tuesday, November 06, 2007 1 comments
Monday, November 5, 2007
Happy Birthday, Mom!
I would like to wish a Happy Birthday to the most amazing mother in the entire world!
My mother, Susan Bea, was born into the Aman family, in 1949. Her daddy was a Cowboy, and her momma was a homemaker, in every sense of the word! They owned a little ranch in Oreana, Idaho.
She was loved and adored by all the cowboys who hung around the ranch.
Sue's dad, Wayne surrendered his life to Christ, when she was a young girl. He went on to become a preacher, and a pastor. He started and pastored the churches in Kuna, Midvale and Greenleaf, Idaho.
My mother was working at Mercy Medical Center in 1970, and met my dad, who was also working there. They married, and in 1972, Sheila Dyan was born into the Horn Family.
In 1974, Aaron Paul joined them.
My parents later divorced, and my mother became a single mom. These were the years that I grew to really appreciate my mother. I remember her strength when she struck out on her own to make sure that Aaron and I not only grew up in a Christian home, but also a peaceful home. She went through many hard times, trying to put food on the table and clothes on our backs. She did all of this without complaining. She held onto Jesus, and the support of her parents, brothers and sister.
There were many things that my mom did to make our home cozy and full of traditions. She made our birthdays a huge deal! Thanksgiving and Christmas were times of joy, family, delicious smells and yummy food. Music always filled our home. My mom most often had a song in her heart. When she wanted Aaron and I to get along, she would sing, "Jesus, Others, and You(JOY)", or she would make us sing it while we hugged. Oh, how we hated that!
I can remember hundreds of times (no exaggeration) that I heard my mom sing, "God Hath Not Promised"...skies always blue, flower strewn pathways, all our lives through. But He hath promised strength for the day, help for the laborer, light for the way."
I remember the tears she shed, but I also remember the prayers she prayed. She spent time with Jesus daily, and it was evident.
When Duane proposed to me, my mother was hysterical. She was so concerned that I was making the right decision, but when we assured her that we were, she embraced Duane wholeheartedly!
Duane would tell you today, that he has the best mother-in-law in the whole world! (I think she likes Duane more than me!:)
In May of 1994, a wonderful, kind and true gentleman, Bob Davenport, came along and swept my mother off of her feet! (the truth is...she chased him!)
They were married with their children right beside them, and all for it!
I watched a light go on inside my mom, when she married Bob. He has treated her like a wife should be treated....a queen!
I watched my mom embrace Bob's children as her own, and Bob has become a true loving father to Aaron and I.
Now she is grandma to 7 grandkids. They think Grandma Sue is amazing! She makes sure that when they are around, they feel very loved and individually special. She sets the children's table with special seasonal plates and napkins. And on their birthdays, they get to eat off of "The Blue Birthday Plate"!!

My mother taught me many lessons, not always intentionally, but I learned them none the less. Here are just a few...
She believed in hard work, and taught me that if a job is worth doing at all, it is worth doing right the first time.
She taught me to treat others as I wanted to be treated.
Her home was her haven, and it was important to her that it was at peace.
She always defended Aaron and I when we were treated wrong. She would say, "If your Momma doesn't defend you, who will?" At the same time she knew when we were in the wrong, and would call us on the carpet for our wrong-doing.
She taught us to say, "thank you", "please" and "pardon me", but most important, she taught us to say, "I'm sorry, will you forgive me?"
She believed children should be very involved in the family's life, but they should not "rule the roost".
She believed in finding the good in everything and everybody.
I am so grateful that I was raised in her home! I look back and realize that the picture of our life was painful and hard sometimes, but because of Mom's diligence and persistence, we grew up happy, and we knew that we were loved!
You are not perfect, but almost!
We didn't have it all together, but together we had it all!
I love you,
Posted by SheilaDy at Monday, November 05, 2007 6 comments
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Happy Birthday, Aunt Lisa!
When I was born, my mother had a younger sister, Lisa. She was 7 years old, when I arrived into this world.
We pretty much grew up acting like sisters, and as I got older, I turned into the pesky sister that Lisa never wanted!
I adored her (I still do!), and wanted to be like her and with her all the time! She was nice some days, and others, she did whatever it took to get rid of me. Some days, she turned me loose in her closet to play dress up, other days, she would send me to find grandma, and then run down the street and hide out at her friend's house. Poor thing...she obviously needed her space, and I was always in it!
It was Lisa who pretty much filled me in on the facts of life...(sorry Mom!) She was also the one who told my mom that "it is high-time that girl shaves her legs!" (Thank you, Lisa!)
Lisa married, and became a mommy, all while I was in my teenage years. She asked me to come and stay at her house after she had Crystal (20 years ago), to help out, and I loved every minute of it!
Then, when she gave birth to Kyra, she invited me to be in the delivery room. That was an experience to remember! It was not the first birth I had watched. I worked in the Obstetrics Dept. at the hospital, as a Candy Striper, and had watched two other babies born. But Lisa was my aunt, and I got emotionally involved in her delivery! I held my breath when she did, and I pushed when she when Kyra made her appearance, I settled in for a long winter's nap right there on the floor (I fainted!) Poor Lisa, I wasn't the most supportive coach.
I married, had Ashley, and then the following year, Lisa had Michael. We were new mommies together, and that was very special. She gave me TONS of good advice!
I have always thought the world of my Aunt Lisa. Even though she was mean to me sometimes-she still loved me, and I knew it!
When Lisa and Dennis' little guy, Michael, was diagnosed with Leukemia at the age of three, I watched my sweet aunt go through a year of hell on earth! Lisa called me the day Michael was diagnosed, and I drove as fast as I could to the hospital to be by them. I sat and entertained Michael, while the doctors broke the news to she and Dennis. It was a horrible moment, that is burned in my memory forever, but I would not have wanted to be anywhere else!
Lisa is a hero in my book! The next year, the last one Michael lived on this earth, was full of pain and sorrow, but I watched Lisa and Dennis willingly do everything in their power to make their little boy well. I watched Lisa's strength, and fortitude, amidst the agony that was going on in her heart.
I well remember the day, that I walked into the hospital, and watched Lisa say good bye to her baby, and hold him until it was over! That is why she is my hero!
(I need to go get some Kleenex...please excuse me!)
Today, Lisa is successfully mothering two (all-grown-up) teenagers, Crystal & Kyra, and 8 year old, Brandon. She is an office manager for her husband's Welding business, she is the caretaker for the Greenleaf Cemetery, she works during sugar beet harvest at a weigh station, she drives bus every now and then....she is like the energizer bunny!
Lisa, I love you! Thank you for loving me, and being the best aunt ever!!!!!
Happy Birthday!
Posted by SheilaDy at Sunday, November 04, 2007 4 comments
Friday, November 2, 2007
Happy Birthday, Cher!
My Sister-in-law, Cherylyn, had a birthday today!!
I could write a novel about all the wonderful things about this girl! She is amazing! But since, I am limited on space and time, here are a few of my favorite things about Cher!
She is my little brother's wife. She is mommy to Alyssa & Kenlee. She is Auntie Cher to my kids. She is my friend, sister, shoulder to cry on, girlfriend to laugh "out loud" with, my out to coffee and shopping kind of gal! (No, doubt about it, she would die for me, and I for her...if it ever came to that!)
She is the best thing that EVER happened to Aaron, and to our family for that matter!
She is a fabulous cook...who by the way, is famous for her homemade French bread. She can make chocolate in any shape and form.
She is the most caring, giving & beautiful-inside and out-woman you could ever know!
I hope you know how special you are! Thank you for all the fun times and memories we have made together. I always wanted a sister....thanks!
I love you & happy 20th birthday! (ha ha)
Posted by SheilaDy at Friday, November 02, 2007 2 comments